
50 Affirmations for Success & Prosperity in Your Life

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The how and the why of using affirmations for success is easily summed up by the definitions of the words.

Success Affirmations from MakeAVisionBoard.com

Success Affirmations from MakeAVisionBoard.com

The “how” part is simple enough – use present tense, and state what you are affirming as if it is already true. The “why” gets more complicated…

The purpose in using success affirmations is based on a maxim you’ve probably heard before: The first step toward achieving anything is learning to win the mind game.

This is the most vital aspect of creating change in your life. It can also be the most difficult because one of the biggest obstacles you’ll ever face lives right there inside your head…

“Man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild.” ~ James Allen

Say hello to your inner voice. It speaks from both conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs, and it never shuts up. It can actually be helpful when it’s reminding you of some circumstance or task that needs your attention, or when it graciously decides to make a pleasant remark about something you’re enjoying or anticipating.

Far too often, though, your self-talk turns negative. This destructive little inner voice thrives on pointing out all your fears, insecurities, and general feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. That kind of negative self-talk is inaccurate, exaggerated, or just flat wrong, yet it can wield tremendous power.

I recognize every new challenge as an opportunity. Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

I recognize every new challenge as an opportunity. Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

The good news is that you are not at the mercy of this maniacal inner voice. By paying closer attention to your own mind chatter, you can become more aware of all the negativity that’s dragging you down. That doesn’t mean you can instantly change your mindset, but it’s a big wake-up call that can get you headed down a much better path.

Using success affirmations is an excellent way to stop living by default and take back your power.

That inner voice isn’t going to stop talking, but you can choose to stop believing everything it says.

  • You can question the truth of its derogatory remarks.
  • You can stop allowing it to generalize everything.

For example, the fact that you’ve experienced failures in life does not make you a “failure”. You can inform Mr. or Ms. Inner Critic that the only people who never fail are those who never attempt anything.

Using affirmations for success takes you a step further. There is nothing magical about it. If you have zero confidence in yourself, repeating a positive statement about confidence isn’t going to instantly change that. What it does do is set your intention.

It’s all about the shift — Instead of listening to negative self-talk you are choosing more positive, productive thoughts.

Instead of being defeated by limiting beliefs you are opening your mind to new possibilities. You are focusing on what you do want until you can envision it as clearly as if it already exists.

I love my job, and my work is a fulfilling part of my journey to greater success.

I love my job, and my work is a fulfilling part of my journey to greater success.

I am grateful for the abundance that is flowing into my life. Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

I am grateful for the abundance that is flowing into my life. Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

Below are 50 affirmations to help get you started. On our site you’ll find lots of affirmations examples including Positive Affirmations for Work and Prosperity Affirmations.

With any kind of positive affirmations, the statements you use need to be meaningful to you. The list below speaks to prosperity and succeeding in a job or career, but with a little thought you could adapt them to focus on success in some other aspect of your life.

A few tips to keep in mind…

   — Take the time to get clarity on exactly what you want and, most importantly, why.

   — Choose affirmations that resonate with you, or reword them to suit your specific aim.

   — Envision yourself already living your dream, see your successful life in vivid detail, and feel all the emotion you are experiencing.

   — Focus on staying positive, be mindful of living in the moment, and enjoy the journey!

   — Want to Dig Deeper?

Last but not at all least, discover a fun way to help turn meaningless words into powerful affirmations — Positive Affirmations Journal: 100 Journal Writing Prompts to Explore Your Thoughts, Focus on the Positive, and Visualize the Life You Really Want

50 Positive Affirmations for Success

  1. I have the power to create all the success and prosperity I desire.
  2. I let go of old, negative beliefs that have stood in the way of my success.
  3. My mind is free of resistance and open to exciting new possibilities.
  4. I am worthy of all the good life has to offer, and I deserve to be successful.
  5. I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
  6. I am grateful for all my skills and talents that serve me so well.
  7. I am enjoying my work today and optimistic about the coming days.
  8. The universe is filled with endless opportunities for me and my career.
  9. I am surrounded by positive, supportive people who believe in me.
  10. I am always open minded and eager to explore new avenues to success.

I believe in myself and in my ability to succeed - Affirmations for success at https://www.makeavisionboard.com/affirmations-for-success/

I believe in myself and in my ability to succeed - Affirmations for success at https://www.makeavisionboard.com/affirmations-for-success/

I always dress for success in body, mind and spirit - Affirmations for success at https://www.makeavisionboard.com/affirmations-for-success/

I always dress for success in body, mind and spirit - Affirmations for success at https://www.makeavisionboard.com/affirmations-for-success/

  1. I recognize opportunity when it knocks and seize the moment.
  2. Every day I discover interesting and exciting new paths to pursue.
  3. When I need help, I effortlessly attract the perfect resources and solutions.
  4. Everywhere I look, I see prosperity.
  5. I am well organized and manage my time with expert efficiency.
  6. I am committed to achieving success in every area of my life.
  7. I love my job, and my work is a fulfilling part of my journey to greater success.
  8. My ambitions are in perfect alignment with my personal values.
  9. I work with fascinating, inspiring people who all share my enthusiasm.
  10. By creating success for myself I am creating success and opportunities for others.
  11. As I take on new challenges I feel calm, confident, and powerful.
  12. Creating solutions comes naturally to me.
  13. I always attract successful people who understand and encourage me.
  14. I recognize every new challenge as a new opportunity.
  15. I celebrate each goal I accomplish with joy and gratitude.
  16. The more successful I become, the more confident I feel.
  17. I consistently attract just the right circumstances at just the right time.
  18. I am grateful for all the abundance flowing into my life.
  19. I trust my intuition and am always guided to make wise decisions.
  20. I stay focused on my vision and pursue my daily work with passion.

I recognize opportunity when it knocks and seize the moment. - Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

I recognize opportunity when it knocks and seize the moment. - Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

I consistently attract just the right circumstances at just the right time. Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

I consistently attract just the right circumstances at just the right time. Success Affirmations at MakeAVisionBoard.com

  1. Every day is filled with new ideas that inspire and motivate me.
  2. I excel in all that I do, and success comes easily to me.
  3. I always expect a positive outcome and I naturally attract good results.
  4. I take pride in my ability to make worthwhile contributions to the world.
  5. I attract brilliant mentors who graciously share their wisdom and guidance.
  6. I step outside my comfort zone with courage and confidence.
  7. I am a patient listener and an effective communicator.
  8. As I allow more abundance into my life, more doors open for me.
  9. I am free of stress and I thrive under pressure.
  10. I set high standards for myself and always live up to my expectations.
  11. I have an endless supply of new ideas that help me become more and more successful.
  12. I have released all limiting beliefs about my ability to succeed.
  13. Every day I dress for success in body, mind, and spirit.
  14. I think big and dream big without reservation.
  15. I love who I am and I naturally attract people who respect me as a unique individual.
  16. I am creating a life of abundance and happiness.
  17. I am successfully living up to my full potential.
  18. I am making the world a better place by being a positive, powerful influence.
  19. I am grateful for my financial success.
  20. I am living the dream!

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