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35 Favorable Sleep Affirmations For Better Sleep

Just recently it has become popular to make use of favorable affirmations for any kind of self-improvement. They have actually proven to be trustworthy with stress and anxiety, anxiety, or merely self-esteem. However they can also be utilized to enhance your sleep and relax your mind. Here you can discover how to use favorable sleep affirmations yourself and how to include them in your day-to-day night-time routine.Go straight

to the 35 Positive Sleep Affirmations

What are sleep affirmations?Sleep affirmations are a particular type of positive affirmations established to enhance your sleep. Favorable affirmations are merely declarations and expressions you duplicate to yourself to challenge your recognized idea patterns.An example for a favorable affirmation is: I

believe in myself and can accomplish my goals In the

application of affirmations to enhance sleep you

might fidget about going to sleep at night. Especially if you are an insomniac or you generally have trouble sleeping. Your mind develops inflexible concept processes that can include negative self-talk. This can send you down into an unfavorable concept spiral and eventually, your sleep concerns can wind up to become chronic.The use of sleep affirmations can hinder these thought patterns. You will start to trust in

your natural capability to achieve peaceful sleep.Practicing beneficial sleep affirmations is rather fundamental. All you need to do is to repeat the affirmations to yourself during the night. This will relax your mind and body.However, affirmations don’t work immediately. It took a long time to establish your present concept patterns. So it will also take many weeks to interrupt them and replace them with a new, more preferred believed process.Do Sleep Affirmations Work?The technique sleep affirmations are expected to work is by disrupting believed procedures you have established throughout your life. By routinely duplicating the affirmations to yourself you can change purposely and unconsciously your self-identity. That’s the method you consider yourself, like a private narrative.But does it work?Can you simply reprogram your brain by repeating some phrases?Sounds undue to be real however let’s have a look at the realities: One study found that favorable self-statements can be convenient for people to enhance their confidence. They pointed out that specifically future tense affirmations

had a beneficial effect on individuals’s confidence. Sure, it also relies on the

kind of affirmation. If it’s a worldwide affirmation(I constantly sleep like a child)it’s automatically more difficult to accept than a more particular affirmation(I will relax ). However above-mentioned study didn’t take a look at long term effects.Philpot and Bamburg conducted their research study over 2 weeks. Undergrads required to replicate positive self-statements 3 times a day. After the 2 weeks, scores on self-esteem improved and stress and anxiety ratings reduced significantly.There is little scientific research study about favorable affirmations concerning sleep. However, lots of people personally report that self-statements had the ability to assist them. The problem with affirmations in research is similarly that they need to standardize their technique. But, for self affirmations to work it is important that they are individual. They need to be particular and apply to yourself instead of basic declarations that use to a broad group of research study subjects.Basically there is nothing to lose, just try it.How to Use Positive Sleep Affirmations Efficiently The following qualities are essential for using sleep affirmations to work: Affirmations Need to be Personal Do not just take any affirmations you discover on the web like the ones on this page. They are just here to offer a basis for your own affirmations.The idea is that you take them and change them to your individual circumstance.Develop your own phrases that are applicable to you and your life.Try to structure them in today or future tense. Also, it is required that they are positive and specific.Consistency The most fundamental part about affirmations is consistency.Positive affirmations do not work right away. They require practice, daily practice. Your thought

patterns have really been established for many years. That’s likewise why you have issues sleeping. At a long time in the past, it begun with a bad night. Later on another one, or

you were out partying all night. The point is that as quickly as you began to build up the technique you see yourself, it might only get worse. Up up till where you are encouraged that you are a bad sleeper, an insomniac.Just as these thoughts have actually taken years to establish, it will spend some time to correct them.Do not give up if you can’t see any results after 1 week, or if you feel ridiculous talking like this to yourself.To develop your self-image as being a good sleeper you’ll need to practice your self-affirmations daily, without exceptions. Offer it a minimum of 4 weeks in order to see any results.Just like brushing your teeth, you should include your affirmations in your daily bedtime routine.Make it a part of your bedtime routine By making your affirmations a part of your regular it’s less most likely you’ll forget to do them.Every day before going to sleep(or right before turning off the light)take your self-developed sleep affirmations and read them aloud: Take 10 deep and sluggish breaths, inhaling and exhaling deliberately. Say your affirmations gradually and clearly.Concentrate on the significance of each expression. Think in what you are stating. Intentionally image yourself as being the private you want to be. Repeat your sleep affirmations 3 times.

Take another 10 deep and slow breaths. Repeat your affirmations every day for a number of weeks in the technique explained here and you require to quickly have the ability to see outcomes.35 Positive Sleep Affirmations To Go To Sleep Rapidly Utilize the following sleep affirmations as an example to develop your own. It’s continuously far better to use or own words than something copied from the internet.Nevertheless, do not think twice to utilize them as you desire: My stress is slowly fading away. I like myself for who I am. There is absolutely nothing I can do today about insufficient tasks. Things will await tomorrow. I have the capability to fix all my concerns on another day. I enjoy with the technique things are right now. I am focused and calm. I offer myself permission to slow down.

  • I will let go of my ideas.
  • My body is a temple and I will offer it the sleep it
  • needs. I’m grateful for all the good ideas that happened to me today. I am anticipating offering my body the rest it ought to have
  • . I enjoy reducing in the evening. I have the ability to rest and unwind. My body understands how to have a great sleep. My

    head is calm. My mind is peaceful. Each breath I take calms me down. I inhale peace and breathe out stress. My bedroom is a safe location and my bed is awaiting me.Entering my bed room makes me feel tired. I am relaxing each muscle of my body. I launch whatever. I am breathing slowly and deeply, filling myself with calmness. My arms and legs feel heavy. My closed eyelids cast darkness over my mind.

    I am unwinding and feeling increasingly more broken. I welcome a peaceful sleep. I offer my body the time to fix itself throughout the night. I ought to have to sleep the entire night. I offer myself approval to drop off to sleep. I wait on the arrival of love-filled dreams Definitely absolutely nothing can disrupt my tranquil sleep. I will stay asleep and

  • get all the rest I require.
  • I will wake up energetic and well-rested. Give sleep affirmations a chance!Positive affirmations can have an amazing influence on the way you believe and for that reason improve your sleep. Do not feel silly utilizing self-affirmations. It may be odd talking to
  • yourself in the beginning but it’s far much better to boost your sleep using affirmations
  • than medication. After all, you do not wish to be sleep-deprived. Simply bear in mind that success does not come within a day. Provide it some time, think in the effectiveness
  • and you’ll quickly see some improvements!The information on this site is for academic and educational purposes just. It is not
  • a replacement for expert medical guidance. Although we try to entirely check out every topic, we
  • are not doctor.
  • Any details or items discussed are not implied to deal with, detect, or
  • avoid any disease. Speak with a physician
  • or other doctor before making any modifications to your diet strategy, sleeping routines, or taking supplements.
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    5 Powerful Reasons That Setting Goal Is Very Important

    Goals are what take us forward in life; they are the oxygen to our dreams. They are the preliminary steps to every journey we take and are likewise our last. It’s truly crucial that you understand the significance and significance of goal-setting and use this understanding in your life.

    Start with completion in mind.– Stephen Covey

    What Is A Goal?According to Wikipedia the specific significance of a goal is: A desired result a person or a system thinks of, strategies and commits to accomplish an individual or organizational favored end-point in some sort of assumed development. Great deals of people venture to reach objectives within a limited time by setting due dates. To put it merely, any preparation you provide for the future no matter what it is, is a goal. So the next time you are planning on doing the weekly tasks or pick viewing that truly cool action movie after work, constantly remember that these little jobs account as objectives and while apparently unimportant you are goal setting.5 Factors that Setting Goal Is Necessary:1. Goals Give You Focus Think About having to shoot

    an arrow without being offered a target. Where would you intend? And say

    you did concentrate on some random thing (out of big perplexity). Why would you plan there? And what would the function be? Get the idea? This is an actual example of what life looks like without an unbiased or target in mind. It’s meaningless and a waste of energy and effort. You can have all the potential around the world however without focus your abilities and talent are worthless. Just like how sunlight can’t burn through anything without a magnifying glass focusing it, you can’t achieve anything unless a goal is focusing your effort. Since at the end of the day goals are what offer you directions in life. By setting objectives on your own you provide yourself a target to aim for. This orientation is what enables your mind to focus on a target and rather than waste energy shooting aimlessly, it allows you to strike your target and reach your objective. If you target at definitely nothing, you will strike it whenever.-Zig Ziglar 2. Goals Permit You To Measure Advancement By setting objectives for yourself you have the capability to

    measure your development since you constantly have a fixed endpoint or standard to

    compare to. Take this scenario for instance David makes a goal to compose a book with a minimum of 300 pages. He starts making up every day and works truly tough but along the method, he loses the variety of more pages he has written and simply how much more he requires to compose. So instead of panicking David simply counts the number of pages he has really currently composed and he instantly determines his development and knows simply how much even more he requires to go.3. Goals Keep You Locked In And Undistracted By setting objectives you provide yourself mental limits. When you have a particular endpoint in mind you immediately stay away from particular diversions and remain focused towards the objective. This process occurs automatically and discreetly however according to research does occur. To get a better concept, envision this. Your pal is moving to Switzerland and his flight takes off at 9:00 PM. You leave right after work at 8:30 PM to see him off and you know it’s a 20-minute walk to get to the airport. So you make it an objective to reach the airport in 15 minutes by running so that you can have more time to mention your bye-byes. Would you get sidetracked by “anything “along the method? Would you pick up a break or a reward? Would you visit your house prior to going to the airport? I wager you responded to no for each concern and at the end of the day, this is what an objective supplies you. FOCUS. No matter who you meet along the method or what you see(presuming absolutely nothing runs out the typical)your objective permits you to remain locked in. You automatically avoid diversions and your focus remains just on the objective. And by the way, if you didn’t understand yet this is how you wind up working, you set an objective, you lock it in and after that provide it your 100 %. One half of understanding what you desire, is understanding what you require to quit before you get it.– Sidney Howard 4. Objectives Assist You Conquer Procrastination When you set a goal for yourself you make yourself responsible to finish the job. This remains in total contrast with when you do things based off an impulse and it does not matter

    whether you finish them or not. Objectives tend to stick in your mind and if not finished they offer you a”Shoot

    ! I was anticipated to do _____ today!”guideline. These guidelines in the back of your head help you to overcome procrastination and laziness. (* But keep in mind that lasting objectives truly promote procrastination. Lots of people aren’t excellent with deadliness 3 months away. So whenever you’re provided a long term objective, break it down into many short-term goals so you can complete a portion of the bigger long term objective weekly and even every day.)5. Objectives Deal You Motivation The root of all the inspiration or motivation you have ever felt in your whole life are objectives. Personal goal setting offers you the structure for your drive. By making a goal you supply yourself a concrete endpoint to go for and get excited about. It offers you something to concentrate on and put 100% of your effort into and this focus is

    what establishes motivation. Goals are merely tools to focus your energy in beneficial instructions, these can be changed as your top priorities change, new ones included, and others dropped.

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    Urban Dictionary: Hypnosis

    Top definition


    The art of ending up being entirely familiar with who you are. When in this state, you can change anything about yourself. You can make yourself feel exceptionally light, extremely heavy, and even alter some psychological properties, such asmaking yourselffeel happy or sad.Hypnosis is frequently utilized by psychologists to assist clients manage their issues. Hypnosis is likewise understood to eliminate any addictions you might have.Unlike meditation, in hypnosis you do not concentrate on one thing.I hypnotised myself and I made myself seem like I was flying. It was a really satisfying BOFH June 19, 2005 Sep 15 trending

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    Hypnosis: Meditation Music

    Desire to hypnotize your buddies and have a fun time with them pretending that you are a real hypnotist? Call your friends to come to hypnotherapy and have an enjoyable time with them with the brand-new simulator computer game Hypnosis – Relaxation App. 90% of our ideas are subconscious. That’s why hypnosis can be of great support for everyone who requires it.If you wish to loosen up and leave your worries behind you, Hypnosis – Relaxation App is the perfect meditation music app for you. All you need to do is take a deep breath, stop fretting, unwind and practice meditation with the very best meditation sounds, binaural music, angelic music and yoga music. Chakra music and tension relief sounds will help you discover inner peace and calmness. Meditation music can be of wonderful assistance when you wish for to accomplish eternal happiness and unwinded frame of mind throughout meditation. Meditation likewise assists in getting a brand-new viewpoint on difficult situations and structure abilities to handle your stress.Have problem

    sleeping? Do not stress, calm noises and sleep music will assist you unwind and go to sleep. You’ll awaken sensation rejuvenated and favorable, and be all set to invite a brand-new day. Sleep music has the power to slow your heart rate and breathing, lower your high blood pressure, and it may even trigger your muscles to relax. These biological modifications mirror some of the exact same adjustments that your body goes through when you’re dropping off to sleep, making sleep music the very best preparation for corrective slumber.Another great function

    of this fantastic app Hypnosis -Relaxation Apps is a mindfulness bell, that calls regularly throughout the day to use you the possibility to hold on for a minute and consider what you are currently doing, and in what frame of mind you are while you are doing it. According to the Zen Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, this is an efficient methods of developing mindfulness.Nature noises -particularly water sounds and rain noises, are the absolute best music for sleep and anxiety relief. More positive impacts are: enhanced relaxation, enhanced attention, much better sleep, increased sensations of positivity. Think about listening to sounds of nature while at work-research research studies have really revealed increased concentration and efficiency while listening to nature sounds. Individuals reported increased experiences of positivity when listening to nature noises. That’s an adequate factor to provide listening to nature sounds a go!Features of Hypnosis -Relaxation App: Relaxing rain sounds and water sounds.Soothing forest and nature sounds.White sound-assist your baby unwind and sleep with city and home sounds.Meditate with relaxing and meditation sounds.Set a timer for each and every sound.Hypnotize yourself and your buddies with incredible hypnotic images.Make your own noises list with your favorites.Upgrade to Hypnosis pro and delight in much more amazing features.Disclaimer!By using Hypnosis -Relaxation App you expressly concur that your usage is at your own threat.Any option you make having actually received any of our products is your own and you remain completely accountable for any choices and
    actions you take and you accept complete responsibility for any and all effects emerging from the hypnosis sessions. The material and services offered by this Application are for academic functions just and are not prepared to be a replacement for expert medical recommendations, medical diagnosis, or treatment.Developer Site App Support Personal personal privacy Policy With Home Sharing established, up to six member of the family can use this app. eWeapons ™ Weapon Simulator Games Finest Machine Gun Simulator-Guns Weapon Simulator Games

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    pictures by Blu-ray.

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    Sleep Better with Hypnosis

    $ 49.99 Expense This is My Finest Therapist Audio hypnosis recordings. You will listen to your own mind through my
    voice. It can be challenging to have a fantastic night’s sleep, especially nowadays with our existing situation describing the Corona Infection (COVID-19) pandemic. Tension and anxiety is at the leading edge and is setting off interrupted and agitated nights of sleep.
    In this episode of My Best Therapist recordings, you will experience sleep like never ever in the past. In this 60 minute – 1-hour deep sleep hypnosis audio, Dr. Moghazy is sharing with you the very best present you can ever ask for yourself and your taken pleasure in ones.
    Download this MP3 finest sleep hypnosis audio and enjoy a peaceful night sleep now. Listening to this recording for 3-4 weeks is recommended to achieve a fantastic result. One time listening to this recording will not be enough, I also recommend for you to get in touch with me if you feel that you might require more help or support.
    This audio hypnosis recording is very comparable to an in-person or online session with all the comforts of being at home in your warm & preferred location. The worth ad with an in-person go to is that you receive a one on one examination and evaluation that is customized to your specific circumstance and requirements. Therefore, it provides you the supreme outcomes and success which is a fundamental part of Hypnotherapy treatment.
    If you feel that you require more treatment personally or online, please click here to contact Dr. Moghazy directly.
    Does audio hypnosis recordings work? Definitely, I think this to be true which is why I established numerous audio hypnosis recordings that you can contribute to your daily regimen.
    How to utilize My Finest Therapist Audio Hypnosis recordings to achieve the absolute best outcomes:

    • CONVENIENCE – First ensure that you are in a comfortable position, sitting, standing, or resting, it does not matter how just as long as you are comfortable while you are listening to these recordings. ** In my alternative the very best position is to be sitting easily.
    • BE OPEN – You do not need to listen/understand every word I state, because your unconscious mind will understand everything and continue to help you even after the recording has in fact ended.
    • DOWNLOAD – It is an mp3 recording in which it is created to be ideal with practically any listening gizmo; computer, phone, laptop computer, and even tablets.
    • EXPLAIN – Just to provide you an idea of what you will hear, it will start with a light induction, (this is preparing your unconscious mind to be open for exceptional concepts and beneficial ideas) at this moment we are unleashing your complete capacity of recovery. At the end of each session, you will hear me waking you up and out of the trance. If for any factor you drop off to sleep throughout the session, (which is really common and okay) your physique is giving you a signal that this was much needed. To completely awaken from the hypnotic state, I recommend for you to count out loud from 1 to 5 and at 5 state aloud, I am awake and fresh, calm, and unwinded. But do not worry, you do not need to bear in mind this as I will stroll you through it in the recording.
    • POST-HYPNOSIS – I suggest doing a soft and mild stretch and to take in great deals of water. Water is an anchor, which shows it grounds your energy and affirms your outcomes. This can trigger extensive outcomes!
    • FOLLOW UP – If you have a tough time please do not be stressed, I want you to understand that I am here for you and provided for your questions or concerns.
    • WHAT’S NEXT – I suggest that you listen to My Finest Therapist Audio hypnosis recordings as often times as possible. For finest outcomes, listen at least 3-4 weeks.

    Some get outcomes right away and others it can take many weeks prior to you see a modification.
    What makes My Finest Healer hypnosis audio special?
    – You have a direct line to me personally online at You can text or call too at 303-810-8888.
    – Each audio hypnosis recording is uniquely created by using Quantum Medical Hypnosis (QMH) Innovation to assist you flourish.
    – Every recording is told by me (Dr. Ezzat Moghazy)
    – For my total bio and qualifications, please go to Buying yourself and your health is valuable.
    Thank you a lot for picking me for belonging of your reliable recovery journey.
    In-Person and Online Session is an in-person and/or Online session where you and I sit and discuss your concerns. Throughout an in-person and/or Online session, we are tailoring your treatment method. It has to do with an hour long and it is including comprehensive evaluations and examination treatments. Beginning with assessing your heart rate irregularity and your cognitive habits. In addition, I analyze your suggestibility, which is a vital part of your hypnotherapy session. After that, we are going through an actually prolonged process of hypnotherapy induction and using among the most unique hypnosis techniques. This method I have developed based upon my doctorate research study, where I have actually discovered that it is truly effective and accomplishing quick and extensive outcomes. Furthermore, your homework reprogramming techniques are going to alter your life forever.
    The Digital Hypnosis session is a prerecorded session that is established to help with a number of conditions. Analyze it out on the virtual library page Enjoy!
    For further information kindly, book your FREE phone evaluation with me straight, so you can learn for yourself your best options. Reserve your consultation today.
    All the best,
    Dr. Ezzat Moghazy
    Medical Disclaimer: Definitely nothing on this website/audio is prepared to detect, treat, or treat any physical issues or medical conditions. The info consisted of on this site/ audio is suggested for academic purposes only. It is not meant for the treatment, remedy, medical diagnosis, or mitigation of a disease or condition. If you have any medical conditions or are taking any prescription or nonprescription medications, see your physician prior to changing or ending making use of medications. Persons with potentially significant medical conditions should try to find professional care. No restorative or medical claims have been indicated or made.

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    Breast Biopsy: The Results of Hypnosis and Music

    The authors examined the efficacies of audio-recorded hypnosis with background music and music without hypnosis in the decrease of emotional and physical disturbances in patients scheduled for breast biopsy in comparison with a control group. An overall of 75 patients were arbitrarily designated to 3 various groups and examined at baseline and prior to and after breast biopsy utilizing visual analog scales of tension, discomfort, depression, stress and anxiety, fatigue, optimism, and basic well-being. The results showed that, prior to breast biopsy, the music group presented less tension and anxiety, whereas the hypnosis with music group provided reduced stress, anxiety, and anxiety and increased optimism and basic wellness. After the biopsy, the music group presented less anxiety and pain, whereas the hypnosis group revealed less anxiety and increased optimism.

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    The only goal setting strategy that really works in the

    I have been testing and experimenting with different goal setting strategies for more than 15 years. I tried more than 10 different systems and they all let me down.

    Most techniques do help you clarify what you want out of life, but many times they’re nothing but wishful thinking and close to useless exercise. Even more, with every day that passes by, these standard goal setting techniques are less effective.

    The reason is quite simple. The times have become too complex, volatile and fast-changing. The pace of technological, social and political changes is accelerating. The new post-information creative society is bringing a mixture of completely new values, possibilities and threats.

    Especially the rate of technological change is skyrocketing. In a few years, we will have self-driving cars and in a few decades, we will populate Mars and maybe even other planets.

    If you know that the environment will be unimaginably different in a few years, how can you set long-term goals? You can’t. The old ways of goal setting are like writing a business plan. It doesn’t work anymore.

    Nobody can accurately forecast the future. You have no idea what life has prepared for you. You have no idea how things will be shaped in a few years. But not everything is dark. What you can do is to give your best every day to go towards your goals and then regularly adjust to how things in the environment are changing.

    No static superficial plan survives the first contact with the reality.

    And there is more. If we go from outside changes to your feelings, what often happens is that when you meet a goal set in the traditional way, you may find out that it doesn’t make you happy. It’s not something that you really wanted, you just went after it because you read it in some magazine that is cool to have it.

    Achieving a written-down goal on time and as planned has no value if you don’t enjoy it and if it doesn’t make you happy. Things that really make you happy and things you assume will make you happy are two different things. Thus you must assume nothing.

    Wrong assumptions are the mother of all fuckups. When you set goals in the traditional way, you make a bunch of assumptions about yourself, others and the environment paradigms.

    That’s why a new framework for setting goals is needed. A modern goal setting framework that works. This article is exactly about that. You will learn how to set goals in a way that is efficient and effective, makes sense and won’t make you feel like a failure if something didn’t work out as planned.

    Before we go to the new framework, let’s sum up why the old traditional goal setting techniques don’t work and look at a few practical examples from my own experience of how I failed in traditional goal setting.

    • Reality never unfolds according to plans.
    • Your S.M.A.R.T. goal is nothing but a bunch of untested assumptions.
    • There is no room for failure and adjustments in traditional goal setting.
    • In the beginning, you have no real idea what will be the process that will take you to the goal, what kind of effort it will require, how long it will take and how much other resources will be needed. The best you can do are educated guesses.
    • There is a difference between what you think is valuable to you and what really is valuable to you and makes you happy, and in traditional ways there is no room for discovery and exploration.
    • Everything is changing too fast to make any detailed plans for more than a year.
    • You have to focus more on the process, your habits, your environment together with people around you than on the actual goal. It’s more about the carefully orchestrated process, not the final event.

    These are all the problems that the new framework solves. And now let’s go to all the funny or sad stories from my life.

    The old way to set goals in life

    The best way to explain the old non-working ways of goal setting is through my personal experience. In my early twenties, I decided to do something out of my life. So I started to read personal development books and there is practically no self-help book that doesn’t mention goal setting.

    In the first year that I started to set my goals, I used the most superficial technique. Well, it was the easiest one to begin with. For New Years’ Eve, I wrote down 10 goals I wanted to achieve in the upcoming year, placed the list in an envelope, sealed it and put it in my drawer. I had read in a book or an article that with such an exercise, you put your subconscious mind to work and at least 8 of 10 things you write down should come true. I know, I was young and naïve.

    I opened the envelope a year later, looked at my goals and crossed 1 out of 10 goals from the list. I felt like a complete failure. I almost gave up on myself.

    But then I read about the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting technique. You write down goal statements in first person (I have, I am…) as if they already came true, but in a lot more detail. You have to make sure that your written down goals are Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Relevant and Time-bound.

    I went from 10 goals to seven, followed all the S.M.A.R.T rules and even put the list with my goals in a visible place. I looked at the goals every day and felt bad, because I wasn’t moving towards the goals as quickly as I wanted. I was focused more on the goal itself than on the process of how to get there.

    A goal I thought will take me only a few months to achieve took me years in reality, years after I gave up the S.M.A.R.T. goals technique. When you have zero experience in something, everything seems realistic and achievable. You can write a book in a few months right, it’s no big deal? You can’t know it if you don’t have any experience with it. Period.

    When you have zero experience with something, everything seems realistic and achievable.

    I tried many other different goal setting techniques. I had a vision notebook with pictures of yachts, villas and expensive watches. Now that I know myself better, I know I don’t want any of that. I had a fancy car and only had headaches with it.

    Now I don’t own a car and I feel much better. I spent many holidays on yachts and sailing boats until I figured out that I don’t really like it. It’s not what motivates me or what would bring me happiness in life. Back then, I just didn’t have any better ideas and I didn’t know myself that well. But let’s move on.

    One year, following another technique, I wrote down where I see myself in one, five, ten, twenty and fifty years. What I wrote down for where I see myself in 10 years and what really happened are two completely different things.

    There was a big financial crisis in these 10 years that hit me bad. Back then it was normal to have your first kid in your early 20s and today it’s not – at least in my country. These are only two changes in the environment that brought me to a completely different situation than planned.

    Today I know that planning for more than a year is impossible, and what will happen in twenty years is a complete mystery. Maybe I will live on Mars or maybe I will be long dead because of WW3. I hope that the former will come true, but that’s nothing but wishful thinking.

    You can focus on the process in the present moment, you can plan the next quarter, you can have a rough idea of what you want to achieve in a year, but everything after that are only wishful visions for which nobody knows if they will come true.

    I tried many other different techniques and approaches. The one that worked best for me was to choose one life area for a year and completely focus on drastically improving it. It’s a technique that somehow moves attention from the goal you want to achieve to the daily process.

    For a year, you do every day something for your health, wealth, happiness or whichever life area you’ve chosen. Only one area with complete focus. The approach is also part of a system I will soon describe. But only focusing on one area for a year wasn’t enough. I needed something better and more sophisticated.

    Luckily, I had the solution right in front of me. I was working with startups as a venture capitalist and it became the general opinion in the startup world that business plans don’t work anymore.

    Business plans are nothing but a set of business goals that founders set in a very traditional way – five year forecasts that have no basis in reality. Business plans have the same problem as traditional goal setting does in personal life. As an alternative, new dynamic planning approaches started taking place. The so-called lean startup and agile development techniques.

    At some point, I asked myself: if these techniques are proven to work over and over again for starting and managing businesses, why wouldn’t they work as a goal setting technique in personal lives? So I decided to take these techniques and apply it to my personal life. I tested the framework over and over again until I built something that worked for me.

    It’s a slightly complicated and very dynamic goal setting framework. Not to mention that you have to feel comfortable with long-term uncertainty. But it works. It gives you the freedom to stay agile, listen to yourself, adjust to opportunities in the environment and focus more on the process than the final goal.

    Because in reality, you have no idea how and when you will arrive to the desired destination, unless you have a very accurate and stable history in the shape of valid data that can somehow predict short-term future. And even that is considered in the framework.

    The new way to setting goals in life

    The AgileLeanLife Goal Setting Framework considers all the important paradigms, trends and limitations of reality and how we humans operate. These facts are:

    It’s impossible to accurately describe the past, predict the future and even harder to manufacture the future exactly as you imagine it at a certain moment. This is why planning for more than a year makes no sense. There is no such thing as a visionary, only people with a superior life strategy. The only thing you can really do is to focus on the process.

    We are in times of constant changes. You have to constantly deal with new challenges, unexpected obstacles and unknown problems. Thus you have to constantly improve, grow, add capabilities to your competence list and even more, you have to constantly adjust. You must have no problem crossing a planned activity from your list in a second and adjusting the course of your life into a new direction.

    In addition to that, you can only set accurate goals when you know yourself really well, understand your environment and have accurate historical data that can somewhat predict short-term future. The more validated knowledge and data in terms of metrics you have, the more detailed goals you can set.

    Considering all these facts, we can say that any worthwhile goal setting technique today must consist of:

    • a lot of testing, experimenting, and trying different things in the beginning
    • managing small failures that lead to validated learning and new insights
    • constantly adjusting the strategy according to environmental changes
    • constantly adjusting the strategy according to your internal world and feelings
    • slowly transitioning to more traditional goal setting when you have enough data and insights

    Practically, that means that you begin in the search mode, experimenting and building a strategy that will work for you as an individual and only once you have all the necessary data and insights can you transit to the execution mode and set the goals in a more standard way. You can be in the search mode for months or even years before you enter the execution mode. The good news is that you only have to be right once.

    And there’s nothing wrong with that. Because the byproduct of the search mode is getting to know yourself better, madly educating yourself, defining actionable metrics you will measure and thus making sure you avoid different vanity metrics, you shape the process that you will follow, you forge new connections with people with the same goals or who will support you, and so on.

    There are seven steps in the AgileLeanLife Goal Setting Framework:

    1. Define your vision list
    2. Prioritize your vision list
    3. Develop life stories for 5 – 7 items on the top of your list – specify what exactly and why
    4. Build a Goal Journey Map to build a superior strategy and define the process
    5. Use branching and forking to stay flexible with alternative paths
    6. Organize the superior execution with a 100-day plan and bi-weekly sprints
    7. Considering all the principles of the AgileLeanLife Manifesto

    Now let’s dive deep into every one of the steps.

    Write down your vision list

    Everything starts with your life vision. Your life vision is the hope for what your life could be and something you can share with people you deeply care about, want to spend time with, and who support you and empower you. The vision is your true north, the final destination to keep in mind.

    Your vision should be huge and exciting and breathtaking. Your vision should be your biggest inspiration in life. It’s what makes you ready for a new adventure every morning. The life vision is your true north, the final destination to keep in mind, the sum of all different life experiences. Your life vision must be greater than any problem you encounter on the path towards your goals.

    To define your life vision, you should answer three simple questions:

    • Who do you want to become (your personal evolution)? … and make your ideal-self persona.
    • What do you want to experience in life (and how to enjoy it)? … and make a list of it.
    • What kind of a legacy do you want to leave behind (what will you create)? … and write down a strong emotional statement.

    You can help yourself by browsing through different online bucket lists, Pinterest boards, magazines, you can ask other people what they’d like to experience together with you, you can get inspired by achievements of your role models, there are many ways that can help you prepare your vision list.

    If you take enough time, browse for ideas in these several places I mentioned and answer the three vision questions, you should have 50 – 150 items on your vision list. Nevertheless, the vision list is not a static document. Your life vision constantly changes. At least every quarter, you should update the list by adding new items, removing some of them, reshuffling your priorities and hopefully crossing one or two items from the list.

    As important as it is to regularly update your life vision, you must also be aware that you can’t achieve everything at the same time. Your life vision is a sum of everything you want to do with your life in decades or, to be more exact, for as long as you’re going to live on this planet and let’s hope it’s for a very long time.

    Your vision list is not something you have to achieve in a few months. But you are going to die someday and that should be motivation enough to realize as many items on your vision list as possible.

    The purpose of the vision list is not to put pressure on you about how your life should look like in ten or twenty years. The vision list is just a list of what you want to experience in life, encouraging you to fight for a diverse life experience, without any time pressure for the most of the items (for some there are biological or other limits).

    The most important thing is that you stay lean and agile about your vision list. You have to know how to correctly prioritize items on your vision list. And that’s the next step.

    • Here is more about how to prepare vision list.
    • Here is an example of my vision list.
    • Now prepare your own life vision list!

    Prioritize your vision list

    If you did the previous exercise, you should have a vision list with 50 – 150 items and when you look at these items, you should feel excited. If you manage to realize half of what’s written on the list in your lifetime, you will feel happy, fulfilled and have zero regrets on your deathbed.

    But since you can’t achieve everything at once, you have to prioritize items on your vision list. And you have to do it in a very smart way.

    When you decide for priority items to go after, you have to take several factors into consideration. You prioritize items on your vision list based on the following factors:

    1. Your current life situation – Your current life situation greatly influences what you should consider to be your priorities. Life areas in which you suck or are dragging you down should definitely become your priorities. Different life situations (like expecting a baby, losing your job or getting ill) all severely influence your priorities. We must also not forget any biological or other limitations. Write down your current specific life situation and how it influences your vision list items.
    2. What’s currently the most important thing to you – At every point in life, you have a slightly different set of values. You always feel that achieving something particular is the most important thing to you at a certain time. When you are young it may be partying, then acquiring your own home, then wisdom in later years, and so on. Ask yourself what is currently most important to you when you’re prioritizing your vision list.
    3. What kind of opportunities are showing up in your environment – Setting goals is not only about you, but also about the opportunities that show up in your life and about the people that currently surround you. You want environment paradigms and your key relationships to greatly support you in achieving your goals. Nobody can succeed alone; you need a lot of outside help. So analyze market trends, how people that surround you can help you, what are currently the greatest opportunities in your life, and so on. Make sure you always consider these things when prioritizing your goals.
    4. What kind of key relationships you currently have –Your key relationships have an especially important influence on your goal setting and goal achieving. You become the average of the five people you spend most time with. Thus you want to spend your time with ambitious people who support you. And you want to make sure that positive traits of other people have a positive influence on your goal achieving. For example, if you just started dating a very sporty girl, of course improving your fitness is a smart goal. You will have big support in achieving that goal. Analyze how your current relationship can empower you in meeting your goals, what new relationships you must forge and maybe even which relationships to abandon.
    5. Your internal resources and external resources – When you begin with anything new, you suck at it. You have no knowledge, skills and experiences, so goal setting is very hard. Slowly, by acquiring knowledge and experience, you can more specifically define your goals and daily activities that lead to your goals. That’s important, because you can’t focus on several new areas at once. Every big goal or improvement takes an enormous amount of time, effort and other resources. One big goal, several small goals is the rule. You want to be making ten steps in one direction, not one step in ten directions. Internal and external resources also define how much you can expose yourself to new investments and how fast you can progress towards your goals. The more resources you have, the bigger risks you can afford and the more you can invest into your progress. Count that in when you prioritize.
    6. Your greatest weaknesses and strengths – You always have some weaknesses that are preventing you from progressing in life and achieving your goals. For example, starting your own business could take you a big step further in terms of finances and career, but you’re really scared to start your own business, because you’re afraid of uncertainty. These kinds of weaknesses should always be a priority to be dealt with. Your fears show you where you have to grow in life. Sooner or later, you have to face what you fear. The sooner you do it, the better. And of course, you need to build your success on your greatest strengths.
    7. Your yearly focus – Last but not least, you have to focus your efforts. Every year you should focus on one or maximum two areas of life you want to really improve. Greater focus means greater progress. So you should always choose one life area every as your focus every year, influencing how you re-prioritize your vision list.

    When you’re prioritizing your life vision items, you should have 3 – 7 items that you plan to realize and meet in the next 3 – 12 months. You should print out a list with these chosen items and put it in some visible place.

    In the next step, you need to add a strong why to every one of the prioritized items. You need to add a powerful emotional charge to every one of the selected items. You do that by developing every vision item into a short life story.

    Develop life stories for 5 – 7 items on the top of your list – specify what exactly and why

    After you have a very well-prioritized vision list with 3 – 7 items that you want to achieve in the following 3 – 12 months, it’s time for a more detailed definition of every selected item. Applying user stories from agile development to the task is the perfect way to do it.

    The goal of this step is to describe more clearly what exactly you want to achieve, discuss it with all the important parties involved and even more, to clarify why exactly you want to achieve it. A powerful why will give you a sense of mission, excitement and value. Together with your life vision, it’s something that drives you through all the obstacles you encounter in life.

    By writing life stories based on your vision item list, you achieve the following:

    • With an internal dialog you clarify in detail what exactly is the outcome you want
    • With an external dialog with all parties involved you can synchronize desires, plans and goals
    • You add all the strong whys to the goal, making it your life mission and adding emotional charge
    • You break down bigger goals into smaller goals if necessary
    • You immediately think of implementation and can then make a plan based on it
    • It’s something you can easily visualize in your head and put on your personal Kanban board

    From all the benefits listed above, a strong why deserves a special emphasis. Only a life vision is never enough, you also need a powerful why. A powerful why motivates you when you wake up in the morning and encourages you to think about your goals before you go to sleep. A powerful why is what gives you stamina, resilience, persistence and a feeling of fulfillment.

    Here are just some of the benefits of having a powerful why in your personal life:

    • You feel more alive and valuable
    • You can connect more easily and communicate with people much more passionately
    • You can innovate and be creative much more easily
    • You can feel the impact you’re making
    • You can inspire other people to work with you
    • You are a more charismatic and energetic person when following your goals and you’re probably happier as well

    A simple exercise you have to do ad this point is to take each prioritized bullet point from your life vision and develop it into a short life story describing why. A short life story can be one sentence or a few sentences. You can simply write a life story on a card, a piece of paper or a post-it note, and then put it on your personal Kanban board and make sure it’s always in a visible place. It’s great to corroborate the story with visual elements.

    To write a life story, you need the following pieces of information and then you write a statement as if you’ve already achieved it:

    • Who – obviously you, but is there anybody else with whom you want to experience part of your life vision.
    • What exactly – a very well-defined outcome you want to achieve. You have to imagine a final scenario very well.
    • Why –you need a strong why for every one of your goals. In addition to that, you can list all the pains and gains that will add additional motivation and emotional charge to the goal.

    Here are two examples:

    As a curious person, I know how to speak Japanese fluently to understand their culture really well and make new friends from there. I will feel much better about myself speaking one more foreign language and will be a step closer to my ideal-self.

    As a creative worker I have graduated to having more employment options and won’t spend my whole life feeling like I didn’t give closure to my studying years.

    When you have your short life stories prepared, you break them down into a Goal Journey Map.

    Goal journey mapping (GJM) and a superior strategy

    When you have your short life stories and a clear picture of what you want to achieve (a clear outcome), you have to outline a superior strategy for how you will achieve your goal. A superior strategy is a fighting plan that you constantly adjust, update and improve. It’s a document where you gather all the data, analyze it and make adjustments.

    In the AgileLeanLife Goal Setting Framework, it’s called the Goal Journey Map. For every one of your goals or stories, you make their own Goal Journey Map – it can be a spreadsheet, a document, a physical map or anything that suits you best. The concept is based on User Journey Mapping.

    The Goal Journey Map consists of the following elements:

    1. Life story – The final goal you want to achieve and why (as we’ve discussed)
    2. Process phases – Different phases you have to go through, like educating yourself, searching, finding your fit, executing etc.
    3. Process with milestones – Repeating actions that lead to micro-goals and then to the final goal
    4. Supporting environment – Key relationships, trends, motivational installations and other changes
    5. People – All the people that are involved in achieving your goals (influencers, blockers, mentors)
    6. Insights and Minimum Viable Experience – Experiments you will perform for validated learning
    7. Metrics – How you will measure your progress in different process phases
    8. Feedback mechanism – System for gathering feedback from yourself and your environment
    9. Risk-reward factor – Potential barriers, risks, fears and unanswered questions
    10. Branches and forks – Potential small and big adjustments to the strategy

    Life story – On top of your Goal Journey Map, you write your short life story. We already know that a short life story is the final goal you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it; you add a strong motivational charge and list all the rewards and benefits.

    Process phases – Every single goal you want to achieve in life goes through different process phases. They’re more or less standard phases. Examples of such phases are educating yourself, searching, finding your fit, executing and finally meeting your goals.

    Process with milestones – Defining the process together with milestones is by far the most important part of the Goal Journey Map. It’s about daily repeating actions that lead to micro-goals and then to the final goal. In the search mode, that might be a list of all the things you will try, and in the execution mode, it’s the daily discipline and hard work you put into achieving your goals.

    Supporting environment – You can’t succeed at anything alone. You need a strong supporting environment. That’s why you need to define key relationships that will influence your decision or are involved in reaching your goals, market trends and other PESTLE trends.

    You also need to list all potential motivational installations and other changes in the environment that can help you achieve your goals. Examples are motivational posters, mobile apps, different reminders, and so on.

    People – Out of all the things that your environment consists of, people are the most important thing. People will encourage you, people will block you and people are the ones who will support you. If you don’t have the right environment, forget about achieving all the goals. Thus you need to list all the people who are involved in achieving your goals (influencers, blockers, mentors).

    You need to analyze their behavior and changes in their behavior when you’re following the process of achieving your goals, you need to set a strategy of how you will turn blockers into supporters or get rid of them, and so on. Maybe you also need to make new connections in order to meet you goals faster.

    Minimum Viable Experience – Under Minimum Viable Experiences, you define all the small experiments you plan to perform in order to learn more about yourself and your environment. The idea of MVEs is to not only talk or think about things (what you should try, what you think you may like etc.), but to go and try them. You don’t assume, you go out and test. Testing and trying is the best way to gain firsthand knowledge about yourself and the world. Testing and trying is the best way to achieve your goals.

    Metrics and resources – You need a set of metrics for every goal you want to achieve. Actually, you need two sets of metrics. One for the search mode and one for the execution mode. Metrics are the ones showing you if you are progressing or not. Metrics help you decide what to do next. You have no idea where you are and where you’re going if you don’t have any metrics. Besides metrics, you can also define resources that you need to achieve the goal, from knowledge to money, connections etc.

    Feedback mechanism – The idea of GJM is that you constantly update your strategy based on acquiring new knowledge and even more based on regular feedback that you get from the environment and your emotions. You have to write down new insights and based on that, decide what you will start doing, stop doing and continue doing.

    Equally important is that you can’t pay attention to just the hardcore metrics, you also need to consider your feelings, happenings in your environment and you want to always keep the bigger picture in mind. That’s why you need to do regular reflections and then adjustments in your strategy. Besides the process, this part is the most important one in the Goal Journey Map.

    Risk-reward factor – On the path to every goal, you will meet many barriers, risk levels will change, you will have many unanswered questions and fears to face. There will always be risks to mitigate and you will always have to pay attention to the risk-reward ratio. That is definitely one thing to include into your Goal Journey Map.

    Pivots, branches and forks – Pivots, branches and forks are potential small and big adjustments  you can make to the strategy in different process phases. They are alternative paths you can take every time you encounter a roadblock on your path towards your goal. You know that your plan won’t work, that’s why you keep it dynamic and you always have alternative paths that enable you to go forward.

    There are a few very important things regarding the Goal Journey Map. For small goals, it’s obviously overkill and you have to simplify it. Considering the type of a goal you have, you should use common sense to decide which parts to keep and which ones to delete. For bigger goals, like getting fit, wealthy, starting your own business, learning a new hard skill and similar, including all the elements into the GJM makes sense. Especially because big goals require big commitments.

    If you have such a map and follow it, there is nothing that can stop you on the way to achieving your goals. Nothing. The map itself motivates you. And that’s what you want and need. Your Goal Journey Map can be a spreadsheet, a document, a physical notebook or a bunch of sketches together in one place. It has to become something you always carry around and it’s like your bible that you won’t let out of your sight.

    A very important issue is also to build your Goal Journey Map step by step. You start small with what you know and then you constantly upgrade the document, add new elements, delete outdated things and make new notes. It’s a living document that constantly gets updated.

    Now let’s say a word or two more about pivots, branches and forks, because they’re the things in the GJM that help you stay flexible.

    Pivots, branching and forking to stay flexible with alternative paths

    You’ve built a very detailed plan in the Customer Journey Map, but you know in advance that the plan won’t work, you know that you are wrong about how things will unfold, because the plan is based more or less on your assumptions.

    Knowing that, you can do a few things within the Goal Journey Map:

    • You can brainstorm potential obstacles you may encounter in different stages.
    • You can brainstorm alternative paths if the obstacles really appear – you build your own branches and brainstorm potential
    • You can also specify very clearly when to give up, not to be misled by the sunk costs.

    You absolutely can’t predict everything that will happen. You absolutely don’t know what will go wrong and what will go right. But you can definitely brainstorm many scenarios that could go wrong and you can mentally prepare yourself for them.

    You can always think of the biggest risks in advance and as things go along you adjust to the smaller ones that were not anticipated. You can always brainstorm potential pivots and how to mitigate risks. You do that with branches and forks.

    Pivots, branches and forks – what?

    A pivot in personal life is a fundamental change in your life strategy or a strategy for how to achieve a goal. You change your direction in life, but you still keep the same life vision and you consider the facts you learned about yourself and your environment. You make pivots as many times as necessary until you find the perfectly right fit for you.

    A list of potential branches and forks are in advanced brainstormed potential pivots. You can also add new potential branches and forks when you encounter a problem or an obstacle in order to have as many options on the table as possible.

    There are two types of pivots:

    • Branches
    • Forks

    Branches are small divergences from the main path, micro adjustments and mini new experiments that you decide to perform in order to find a better way to achieve your goals. They are not too big diversions from the main path that don’t require any colossal changes in strategy.

    Forks, on the other hand, are bigger pivots in your life. You take one big project or activity into a completely new direction. You take what you’ve learnt, you keep the good parts, but the general direction changes a lot.

    If you don’t have any alternative path when you encounter a problem, you can easily get stuck in overanalyzing how unlucky you are, you can put yourself in the position of being a victim, and you can endlessly whine, bitch and complain. But when you already know your next best alternative, you can simply move on, you already have something new to look forward to.

    100-day plan and sprints

    In the Goal Journey Map, you should have all the required data to take everything to the operational level and define the actions and tasks you will perform daily to achieve your goals. This step is about putting the process to daily work. Based on the data in your Goal Journey Map, you define:

    • 100-days backlog – Milestones you will achieve in the next 3 months
    • Bi-weekly sprints – Tasks you will complete in 14-days sprints
    • Daily 3T – The three most important tasks for a specific day

    100-days backlog: 100-days backlog is the package of all activities (items) you plan to accomplish in the upcoming 100 days or three months. That’s just enough time to see progress and to gather enough data to make any necessary adjustments and pivots.

    So every 100 days comes the time for new improved tactics, prioritizing, reflection, and taking the upcoming 100 days dead serious. Like they’re the first 100 days. Every time. Every 100 days. Every 100 days, you make a big update to your GJM.

    Bi-weekly sprints: Out of the 100-Days Backlog, you then choose tasks for each of your 14-day sprints. The sprint is a 14-day period in the execution mode where you work hard as hell to complete all selected items from your backlog.

    All selected items have to be broken down into tasks and visualized on your Kanban board. There has to be a post-it note for every task and throughout the two weeks, you move your tasks from “to-do” to “in progress” and “done” status.

    Daily 3T: Every single day, you should start your working day with a morning meeting with yourself and then also do the same with your team, if you have one.

    In the morning meeting, you do a short reflection where you ask yourself what you did yesterday, what 3 tasks you plan to do today and whether there’s anything preventing you from achieving that. You also put a mark on your happiness index. Then you create in the flow.

    • Here you can read more about how to organize yourself with to-do lists

    Considering the main principles from the AgileLeanLife Manifesto

    On top of the Goal Setting Framework, we have to add the main principles and good practices of achieving goals in contemporary times. These are the principles from the AgileLeanLife manifesto:

    • Limit your work in progress: The most important rule is to limit your work in progress. You can’t go after too many goals at once. One big goal and several small ones in a year is the maximum. Be smart about it, don’t overwhelm yourself and don’t try to achieve too much too soon.
    • Find your fit: The prerequisite for being successful and to really meet your goals, no matter what kind of goals you’ve set for yourself, is finding your own fit. Values are what determines whether you fit with something or not. When you find the right fit, passion awakens in you. You find yourself in something. You know that you can be successful in this. You see potential. Finding your fit means that you start climbing the right wall. You find your fit using the search mode.
    • Search before you execute: In the search mode, you shouldn’t have any expectations, you shouldn’t make any commitments and you shouldn’t do any hard work. Expectations lead to assumptions, and before you understand something, your expectations are definitely completely wrong. In the search phase, you just try, experiment, observe, reflect, and learn about yourself and the world. The most important thing in this phase is to have no fixed ideas and no expectations at all. In the search mode, you just learn, reflect and regularly upgrade your Goal Journey Map strategy.
    • Visualize everything: Brain neurons for our visual perception account for approximately 30 % of the brain’s grey matter. When we look at pictures, our brain can process several pieces of information simultaneously, which means that it’s processing around 60,000 times faster than when reading a text. That’s why you have to visualize as many things as possible when it comes to your goals. The principle is called Kanban. Have photos of what you want to achieve, have Kanban boards to visualize your working flow, and so on.
    • Constantly improve: You must never forget that there is always room for improvement, there is always a way to do it better. You should always look to improve yourself and grow. The growth mindset is how you really become successful and meet your goals. You constantly improve yourself based on Kaizen rules. And you must constantly upgrade and improve your Goal Journey Map.
    • Trust the process: The final goal you want to achieve is the final “event” that you experience and then cross from the vision list. That is the finish line. But to come to the finish line, you have to focus on the process. Process is the daily hard work, the daily sweat. Process is one step after another, slowly leading you towards your final event. When things get really hard, remember to trust the process.
    • Optimize your entire life, not just parts of it: If one of the life areas collapses, everything else can collapse as well. For example, your health greatly affects your earning potential and the quality of your relationships. There are some periods in life when you have to put more focus on a single area (e.g. when getting a baby), but you should never let the bigger picture out of your sight. You don’t want any collapses in your life. You mustn’t become so obsessed with one goal that you forget about the other areas of life.
    • Don’t look for outside safety: If you want to live an extraordinary life, you have to do extraordinary things. If you want to do extraordinary things, you have to extraordinarily believe in yourself. You must find your inner security and be aware of your personal power. There is no more outer safety, the world has become too uncertain, complex and volatile. The only real safety are your competences and your self-confidence.
    • Live life with love and respect: Respect yourself by believing in yourself. Respect other people you’ve chosen to be with or work with by empowering them and learning from them. Respect Mother Nature. Respect markets. Respect the global flow. Don’t expect them to change. You’ll have to change yourself first.

    Happy goal setting

    Now you know the goal setting strategy that really works.

    It’s a strategy that considers smart work and daily hard work. It’s a goal setting strategy that considers the bigger picture and all the details. It’s a strategy that makes a goal the center of your life and even more importantly, it’s the only strategy that enables you to constantly adjust. It’s the only goal setting strategy that encourages you to stay flexible.

    It’s absolutely not the simplest framework ever. It takes some time to understand all the steps and elements but once you do, it’s extremely easy to apply it. I use this framework constantly. For my health and fitness goals, for my blogging goals, now I’m building it for my financial goals, and so on. I use a simplified version of it for my traveling plans, relationship goals, and so on.

    I hope the framework helps you too to achieve your goals faster. Try it, experiment with it. Open a spreadsheet and begin prototyping.