
All New Ultra Luck

Experience how luck can be changed scientifically!
Luck is energy created by our dominating thoughts
Change the dominating energies and experience a change of luck!
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Your reality is created by your intentions, even the most subtle intention that you might have will create your reality. Our minds are so powerful to draw and attract realities into our lives in accordance to our thoughts. Most of the time, we have acted upon the most subtle thoughts without consciously knowing. (Which many people regarded as Life’s Destinies) These thoughts processes were buried deep down many layers of our subconscious mind. It creates several layers of how we associate our emotions with external influences which led us to forming new habits, attitudes and behaviors. And these newly formed unconscious behaviors would lead us to unconscious actions, words and attitudes that draw negative events into our lives. 

The Ultra Luck recording re-programs the mind by altering and suggesting new beliefs and new behaviors that will only lead to positive results.


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