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Root Cause of Weight Gain and Overeating Starts From A Psychological Problem!

The amount of food intake is always relative to your emotional state, your mood, or the level of “pleasure hormones” that are producing from your brain. 

Through years of studies, psychologists and neuroscientists have concluded that all humans and animals have unconsciously associated food with pleasures and comfort.  

This unconscious association of food has significant and impactful neurological effects that are responsible for the amount of one’s food intake and weight. 

Simply, the food intake naturally becomes lesser when your mood is good. And most people would tend to crave food when they are feeling depressive or stressed.

It all depends on how one’s mind associates pleasure unconsciously. – It is more important to understand and address the psychological association of food with feelings of pleasure that stimulates the production of “pleasure hormones” from the brain, rather than superficially trying to curb cravings by taking diet pills which might lead to more health complication. 

Diet Pills Dangerous

Most of the diet pills or weight loss pills in the market today works on the principles of either changing physical body functions by using addictive substances to alter the body’s metabolism rate or by altering the mood of the user. Both types lead to long-term dependencies and potential severe health effects which may include heart diseases,  liver damage or kidney failures.

Diet pills typically contain large quantities of addictive substances, such as ephedrine, caffeine, or herbal stimulants, which can have severe side effects, especially if an individual develops a diet pill addiction.  The following are some of the common classifications of diet pill drugs:

  • Orlistat –  Over the counter diet pill that claims to reduce fat absorption in the body
  • Sibutramine – Appetite suppressant that has risk of causing heart attacks and stroke
  • Rimonabant – Decreases appetite and increases energy expenditure.  Not approved in the United States as an anti-obesity drug
  • Metformin – Reduces the amount of glucose that is produced by the liver
  • Exenatide ­- Used for patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Pramlintide – Promotes feelings of satiety, delays gastric emptying.

Many aspects can contribute to the growth of a dependency on diet pills. Typically, diet regimen tablets are sought as a temporary “fix” for weight management or for the function of altering one’s body. People that make use of diet regimen pills under a physician’s prescription might have physical demands that require the consumption of the medication.

Diet plan tablets or appetite suppressant medication is recommended by a doctor for people who are scientifically overweight or for people who have severe eating conditions. Diet plan tablets or cravings suppressants are not a remedy to weight-loss and can be incredibly hazardous when abused or considered non-medical reasons. Diet regimen pills can be extremely habit-forming as well as persistent use of cravings suppressants can lead a person to come to be anxious or depress, or induce amnesia or fear.

However, when diet plan pills are used recreationally or for non-medical purposes, these behaviors can not be warranted. Males and females, that fight with their body image, even when at a regular weight, may feel inclined to make use of diet pills as a technique of regulating their weight or look. Body image, dysmorphia, or a distorted assumption of one’s true body, can have numerous root causes that influence the progression of this problem, such as organic, social, or emotional.

Hunger suppressant diet regimen tablets function in the body by boosting chemicals in the body that minimize the feeling of appetite. Men and women that use diet plan tablets might experience boosted stamina, blissful feelings, or temporary weight-loss.

Individuals who might feel unhappy with their body or that struggle with eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia nervosa, or body dysmorphia might abuse diet plan pills a lot more often. Diet plan tablets are associated with dangerous side effects along with incapacitating one’s psychological well-being. If you or a loved one is struggling with a dependency on diet regimen pills, you may gain from specialist treatment to assist damage this vicious cycle.

Don’t Be Fooled by “All Natural Ingredients”
Labeled on Those Diet Pills Bottles!
They Are Never 100% Safe!
The By-Reaction Of Those “All Natural Diet Pills”
Could Make You Sicker Than The Effects of Obesity!

The problem is, the word “natural ingredients” makes everything seems safe. It has been hard-wired in our mind that whenever we see products labeled as “All Natural” we would think they are safe for long-term use. Well, they might be safer than most chemical-based products, but definitely not the ideal solution for long-term use. Especially when people develop long-term dependencies on them. 

Diet Pill Impacts

Long term repercussions will arise from an addiction to diet plan pills. Though the physical effects might be one of the most apparent, having a dependency to diet plan pills will impact your life in several means:

Physical Impacts— The non-medical abuse of diet regimen tablets can disrupt the regular metabolic process of the body, which can impede or harm body organs and also systems. In cases of overdose, irreparable damages or fatality can happen. Several of the physical effects are as adheres to:

  • Unstable weight
  • Fluctuations with hunger
  • Sleeplessness
  • Uneasiness
  • Migraines
  • Diarrhea
  • Tightness in upper body
  • Heart palpitations
  • Menstrual cycle and also libido disturbances
  • Urinary system tract problems
  • Dizziness
  • Coronary infarction
  • Stroke
  • Respiratory system failing

Mental Impacts— Abusing diet regimen pills can lead to emotional disruptions, such as anxiety strikes, raised mood disturbances, or anxiety. A diet plan pill addict could become emotionally dependent on the medication, assuming that it is essential to continue taking the drug in order to preserve a certain body weight. Mental impacts may include:

  • State of mood swings or instability
  • Increased fear, stress and anxiety
  • Anxiousness, uneasiness
  • Clinical depression
  • Reduced self-esteem/body image

Social Effects— As addicts ended up being regulated by their medication consumption, it will become significantly harder to preserve the relationships and family around them. Boosted isolation will hinder their capability to have healthy connections with others. These are some of the social results that might result from diet pill misuse:

  • Division within relationships and also family
  • Evasion of social experiences as well as communications
  • Self isolation
  • Difficulty in preserving healthy and balanced partnerships

People addicted to diet pills will certainly sustain destructive results to the various other aspects of their lives, such as in their mental health and wellness, monetary obligations, social life, and familial connections. Diet regimen pill addicts will certainly continue to experience these repercussions till expert help is looked for as well as proper therapy is obtained.

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This may sound weird to many. How can it be ever possible to lose weight without a diet regime or weight loss pills?

First of all, we have to understand the typical root causes of overeating and slow metabolism rate. Through the many years of in-depth studies and research, psychologists have concluded that how much you are eating have a lot to do with your emotional state. It is a subconscious state that triggers the cravings for certain food which stimulates the production of dopamine or “pleasure hormones”. So, you will crave more of the food to upkeep the production of the “happy hormones”. That feeling makes us want to repeat what led to the dopamine release. It is a vicious cycle. 


Ending The Vicious Cycle In 21 Days.
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Powerful Hypnosis & Sleep Programming.

This may sound weird to many. How can it be ever possible to lose weight without a diet regime or weight loss pills?

First of all, we have to understand the typical root causes of overeating and slow metabolism rate. Through the many years of in-depth studies and research, psychologists have concluded that how much you are eating have a lot to do with your emotional state. It is a subconscious state that triggers the cravings for certain food which stimulates the production of dopamine or “pleasure hormones”. So, you will crave more of the food to upkeep the production of “happy hormones”. That feeling makes us want to repeat what led to the dopamine release. It is a vicious cycle. 

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