
Self Hypnosis CD’s and MP3 Downloads

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  • 7 Powerful Audio Programs
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Choose professionally produced, life-enhancing hypnotherapy by the finest in the field of personal change.


Choose from over 175 unique self hypnosis audio programs, all exclusive to our website. We offer a genuine and honest approach to hypnotherapy and this is communicated through our wide range of recordings.


All our self hypnosis recordings are authored by professional hypnotherapists with exceptional vocal talents. They are carefully scripted by our team of writers, who are leading hypnotherapy educators with over 75 years of experience.


With an emphasis on quality, each and every one of our self hypnosis audio recordings are produced to the highest standards possible, using state of the art equipment in our very own professional recording studio.


Save our self hypnosis downloads directly onto your phone or tablet. Our new ‘Smart Session’ app for both iOS (Apple) and Android also gives you greater control and more choice over how you listen to our self hypnosis programs.


More than 100,000 people from all over the world have used our recordings over the past 16 years. We are very proud of the many testimonials we have received during this time from people who have put their trust in us.


We believe our professional self hypnosis audio programs are the best available anywhere. We are so confident in our products that we offer a full 90-day money back guarantee (terms apply). So, order from us in complete confidence!


The Smart Session App



What is Self Hypnosis?

Learn more about self hypnosis, which is one of the finest tools for self-help that has ever existed.

What is self hypnosis?

As human beings, we are hard-wired for self hypnosis. After all, each and every one of us experiences the state of hypnosis on a daily basis, usually without even knowing it. You pass through the hypnotic state each night when you go to sleep, then again when you wake up. Every time you lose yourself in a good book or spend half the night on Facebook having “just logged on for ten minutes”, you are, in effect, hypnotizing yourself.

Hypnosis is simply a narrowing down of the focus of attention, and this can be directed inwards as well as outwards. We can very easily become entranced by our own thoughts, as you would know if you have ever found yourself reliving, in your mind, something that happened many years ago. Even if we were remarkable enough never to daydream or crave escapist entertainment, we would still experience the hypnotic state, since the ultradian rhythms of our brains dictate that the focus of our attention turns inwards, as the right brain hemisphere assumes dominance every ninety minutes or so.

Self hypnosis then, means taking control of something which is happening anyway, whether we want it to or not. By tapping into this natural state of mind, self hypnosis allows us to easily accept, newer, better, more beneficial ideas and suggestions for personal improvement. This makes self hypnosis extremely empowering – and why we believe that it is one of the finest tools for self-help that has ever existed.

Is self hypnosis the same as meditation?

Self hypnosis is closely linked to meditation, which has a much longer and richer history than Western psychology. The difference between self hypnosis and meditation is really one of intent. Exactly the same things happen physically, but meditation is usually aimed more at stilling the mind, whereas self hypnosis is more usually aimed at directing the mind towards a specific end or goal.

What can be achieved with self hypnosis?

Self hypnosis can be used to boost self-confidence, solve problems, make decisions and become more successful (whatever success means to you), improve concentration and memory, promote rapid healing, improve your sex life, and much more. It is only necessary to know exactly what you are seeking to achieve – and self hypnosis can then help you achieve it.

Everything that we decide we want to do is most definitely affected by our attitude and our belief about our chances of succeeding. Of course, there are limitations as to what we can do with hypnosis, so we are talking here about things which are possible. Self hypnosis cannot perform miracles. Impossibilities remain impossibilities. Improbabilities, on the other hand, become far less improbable.

Whatever you are seeking to achieve with self hypnosis must be both plausible and possible. For example, seeking to become a world-class athlete would be somewhat pointless, if you are already aged around forty with a “dodgy” knee. However, you could still aim at becoming a world-class athletics promoter. That really illustrates the criteria for self-help using self hypnosis. Make quite certain that what you are seeking to achieve is possible, but do not worry about it being improbable.

Does self hypnosis require a hypnotherapist?

As the name implies, self hypnosis is a way of creating the hypnotic state for ourselves, without the aid of a hypnotherapist. Doing self hypnosis in this way means you act as your own guide, narrowing down your focus of attention and turning it inwards for specific purposes. The difficulty with inducing hypnosis by yourself is recognizing you have entered the state of hypnosis!

This type of self hypnosis is safe and simple, and can sometimes be nearly as effective as hetero hypnosis – which is when you are hypnotized by somebody else. Although, it is an undisputed fact that almost everybody can go into a deeper state of hypnosis with hetero-hypnosis than they will with “true” self hypnosis.

We mentioned “true” self hypnosis, because technically speaking, listening to our hypnosis CD’s or MP3s also counts as self hypnosis, since a hypnotherapist is not there in the room with you. A more appropriate label for what we provide would be “guided self hypnosis.” As you browse through our website, you will notice that we frequently describe our audio programs as “self hypnosis sessions”, but strictly speaking they are actually “guided self hypnosis sessions.” In all other important respects, they are the same as a formal hypnotherapy session.

Listening to guided self hypnosis recordings has obvious advantages, because they can be used to address almost all of those issues for which you might seek help from a hypnotherapist, in person. When you listen to our self hypnosis sessions, you benefit from our many years of expertise, not only in helping to induce the state of hypnosis, but with the all important therapeutic part of the equation. Professional self hypnosis sessions developed by experienced hypnotherapists, like us, are a safe, natural, quick and highly effective method of producing lasting and profound change.

How do your self-hypnosis recordings work?

Each self hypnosis recording begins with you being asked to take a few deep breaths and to then follow along with a technique called progressive relaxation. Relaxing music is included, along with some pleasant imagery to bring about a deeply relaxed state of body and mind. This whole process is called the “hypnotic induction” and over the years we have perfected this phase of our self hypnosis recordings to make it as effective as possible.

This style of self hypnosis is hypnosis at its best and most pleasant, for it produces wonderful feelings of laziness and relaxation coupled with an alertness of concentration that has to be felt to be believed. Once you reach the therapeutic stage of one of our self hypnosis recordings, you will feel comfortable enough to go on a journey of imagery and positive suggestion. It is during this part of a self hypnosis session where the “change work” can really begin.

There are no magic words or spells, because that is not how hypnosis works. Instead, we use a range of advanced hypnotherapy techniques, which vary, depending upon the particular recording(s) you have chosen. Each self hypnosis CD / MP3 download is carefully constructed by our team of highly experienced hypnotherapists to achieve the best possible results for you. All you need to do, is to relax and enjoy the process.

Are your self-hypnosis CD’s and MP3 downloads guaranteed to work?

Sadly, hypnosis is not a miracle cure for anything and it would be wrong of us to suggest that our CD’s and MP3 downloads will always work for every individual. There are no magic words we can use within our hypnotherapy recordings that will work for absolutely everybody, every single time.

However, what we can say is that the techniques we use have been developed by our team of hugely experienced hypnotherapists, who have over 70 years of combined experience in the field of hypnotherapy. We know that our audio programs have helped thousands of people to achieve positive outcomes, and as such, we believe that regularly listening to our self hypnosis CD’s and MP3 downloads can improve your chances of gaining similar results.

To get maximum benefit from our self hypnosis CD’s and MP3 downloads, motivation and commitment on your behalf is required. Perhaps the most important element of all, is to be open to the effects of self hypnosis. There is a theory that all hypnosis is self hypnosis, because hypnosis requires a willing participant. We strongly support this viewpoint.

Where can I learn more about hypnosis and your recordings?

Our website contains a wealth of expertly written and unique articles about hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotism, and its related subjects. We encourage you to browse our website to learn more about these topics. If you scroll down this page then you will find links to some of our most informative articles, which are a great starting point.

We also encourage you to read our comprehensive FAQ page. This includes answers to 50 of the most common questions we get asked, covering hypnotism in general, questions about our self hypnosis CD’s and hypnosis downloads, along with hints, tips and advice on using them effectively. You will also find answers to questions you may have about ordering from our website along with a troubleshooting guide for our MP3 hypnosis downloads. Of course if you still have any questions then please feel free to contact us. We’re always happy to help!

Additional support is provided in our eBook “Self Hypnosis Success,” which comes free with every order.

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