
The 3 Steps for Self-Hypnosis Success

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The benefits of self hypnosis are almost limitless. In order to get the maximum benefit, it is important to follow our self hypnosis instructions and read the valuable advice presented to you here, before listening to our self-hypnosis recordings.

The three main steps for self hypnosis success are as follows:

  • A time and a place
  • Relax and let go
  • Commitment and motivation

Let us start by looking at when, where and how you should listen to our self hypnosis sessions.

A time and a place

With the lifestyle that most people live today, the last thing some people want to do is to slow down. If you want to achieve real success, then you will need to make the time for self hypnosis. The good news is, we are only talking about 20 to 25 minutes of your 24-hour day.

When to listen

Listening to self hypnosis in the evening is a good time of day and most people prefer to listen before going to sleep. But listening in the morning or in the afternoon is equally fine. People have busy lifestyles and you might have difficulty finding time later in the day. Donโ€™t worry, whatever time of day you choose to listen to a self hypnosis recording (morning, afternoon or evening), it will not decrease its effectiveness. Just find out what works best for you.

Where to listen

It is important that you only listen to our self hypnosis recordings in a quiet and safe place where you will not be disturbed. By safe, we mean a place you are comfortable and free to relax your body and mind away from everyday distractions. Although many people choose to listen to our recordings in the bedroom, beds are often associated with sleep. Should you find that you fall asleep while listening, then we would suggest that you instead listen on a sofa or comfortable chair. It is entirely your choice. Again, choose whatever works best for you.

Once you have chosen a safe place to relax, be sure to turn off any possible distractions, such as your phone. Concentration is a key factor for successful self hypnosis and your focus can be easily interrupted by outside noise. So, if there are others around you, then kindly ask that they leave you alone for a little while. Explain the process of self hypnosis to them if necessary, so that they understand why it is important that you remain undisturbed.

Please note: due to its sleep like state, self hypnosis should never be attempted while operating machinery, driving a car, or anything else that requires your conscious attention.

How to listen

Be sure to get yourself into a comfortable position. The most common position is lay on your back, perhaps in a recliner, with your head resting gently against a pillow, with the body straight and both arms resting by your sides. This is, after all, the most natural position for relaxation. Of course, it is not written in stone. Some people might prefer to sit in a comfortable chair or even lie on the floor. Again, it is entirely up to you and whatever suits you individually. Experiment if you need to and find out what works best for you.

It is highly recommended that you listen using headphones. Our self hypnosis programs are recorded in stereo, not only for the high-quality sound they produce, but also for the therapeutic element. Listening through headphones give you a sense of the words being fed directly into your mind, which can help you to keep focused. Headphones are not essential, but using them can also help to block out distractions and other external noise.

Once you have found a time and a place that works for you, it might be a good idea to keep listening to the self hypnosis recordings at approximately the same time and in the same place. By relaxing in the same position in the same room and around the same time every day, you help condition your body to the hypnotic response. It acts like an anchor to the experience and the state of hypnosis will become that much easier to enter. In time it will come quite naturally and you will be able to relax just about anywhere. In the beginning, however, familiarity can certainly help the process along.

Relax and let go

The next step for successful self hypnosis is to simply relax, go with the flow, and let everything happened naturally. It is worth remembering that hypnosis is a perfectly natural state of mind, just like the feeling before we go to sleep in the evening and wake up in the morning. There is no right or wrong way to enter hypnosis, but it is important you do not attempt to force it to happen. It is a bit like trying to fall asleep โ€” if you try to fall asleep, you wonโ€™t. Like sleep, hypnosis is a natural process, so just let yourself go and experience it in the best way for you by giving yourself permission to relax.

Of course, letting go and relaxing may not be the easiest thing for some people to do. Many people say they have trouble relaxing and fear it may impact their ability to benefit from self hypnosis. We can spend so much time wound up that we often forget how to release everyday tensions. Well do not worry, there is no better way of achieving this than with self hypnosis, so our advice is to just relax as best you can and enjoy the process.

Each time you listen to one of our self hypnosis recordings you will be conditioning yourself to relax easier, deeper, and better the next time. Better relaxation, of course, means you benefit more and it occurs partly because of compounding suggestions. Compounding suggestions take place when one suggestion is accepted and it paves the way for more. But there is another element in compounding suggestions with self hypnosis; when you have relaxed and know you have relaxed well and deeply, the next time you do it you will get there a little bit quicker. Once you familiarise yourself with what it feels like, the state of hypnosis will come much more effortlessly. It is a learning experience.

Commitment & Motivation

The most important factor in making self hypnosis a success is your commitment and motivation. This means listening regularly. So please listen to our self hypnosis recordings as much as practically possible and by this we mean daily. Many people say they are just too busy for that, but in order for self hypnosis to work, you have to make a certain level of commitment. You need to find the time to listen. If you do not have the time or cannot find it, then please do not expect to reap the benefits.

If you do want to change something within your life, the first step is to make time to do it โ€“ for you! Put yourself first and make the time! This may require effort and organisation on your part, but remember, you are worth it! We recommend that you get into the habit of listening to our self hypnosis recordings regularly, just like the habit of going to sleep in the evening and waking in the morning. Make a habit of listening before going to sleep โ€“ or just after you wake up. This is a healthy way to start or finish your day. And, like anything in life, the more you do something and want to do something, the better at it you get. It is the same with self hypnosis.

Your success is dependent on your commitment to yourself and your willingness to receive the benefits of self hypnosis. Subconscious acceptance requires repeated use, which is another reason our audio programs are so beneficial. Self hypnosis CDs and MP3 downloads are a low cost option (compared to visiting a hypnotherapist) and give you the freedom to listen to them whenever you want to. With a little effort on your part, you can reap the rewards.

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