
Affirmations for Success

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< img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2b4c59_3530a1e0f1af4b2f97646da0d7673e7a%7Emv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_2500,h_1330,al_c/2b4c59_3530a1e0f1af4b2f97646da0d7673e7a%7Emv2.jpg" > I am a contribution, my services are valuable.I have the ability to ask

for what I want.I am extremely pleasing to myself in the existence of other people.I now attract thriving and proficient people who want to do business with me.Every day I wake up to brand-new wealth.Money concerns me easily.This is a plentiful universe and there

is plenty for all of us.I deserve to be prosperous and pleased. I am now thriving and happy!Financial success is coming to me quickly and effortlessly.I now have a gratifying income of $__________ per month, or more.I am abundant, well, and happy.I am talented

, smart and imaginative I deserve the very best in life.I easily make$__________ monthly or more.My worth and worth are increased by whatever I do.

I am a money magnet.All the money

that I deserve by divine right comes to me now under grace and in a perfect way.Financial Success comes to me now.Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.I am extremely capable.I attract cash from everywhere.I am extremely successful.I am developing a caring life.I am responsible for my life.I am great enough.I accept success and abundance into my life.I anticipate just the very best to take place and it does.I am constantly in the ideal place at the right time for

my success.I trust and follow my inner guidance.I am totally unlimited.More money can be found in than goes out.

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Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $14.90.
Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $14.90.
Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $14.90.
Original price was: $51.80.Current price is: $7.99.
Original price was: $51.80.Current price is: $19.95.
Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $12.95.
Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $9.90.
Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $9.90.
Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $12.95.

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