

Reprogramming your subconscious mind while sleeping is an extremely powerful method we can implement in our lives to make positive changes and manifest our goals. There are various tools we can use to take advantage of our sleeping hours.It is no surprise that the older we get, the busier our lives become. Many people come…

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Reprogramming your subconscious mind while sleeping is an extremely powerful method we can implement in our lives to make positive changes and manifest our goals. There are various tools we can use to take advantage of our sleeping hours.

It is no surprise that the older we get, the busier our lives become. Many people come to realize that the mind is just as important as any other part of us and that having it well programmed is crucial.

How can we possibly change the way we view things, our emotions towards certain ideas, and the way we carry ourselves? Since we all have a subconscious mind that remembers everything, stores our beliefs, as well as our emotions, it is a given fact that our subconscious mind is a powerful force within us.

Many people desire to change a particular area of their life but donโ€™t necessarily like to apply the work or effort while others simply donโ€™t know where to start. The truth is that in order to see change, you must reprogram your subconscious mind.

One way to do this is to reprogram your subconscious mind while you sleep. Since we live in a busy world, doing it while we sleep is much more effective then when we are awake as we can become easily distracted and when doing so.

Few people know that the subconscious mind never sleeps or takes a break. It is always working, paying attention, and absorbing everything that is going on, even when we are asleep.

You can reprogram yourself for practically anything. A few things you may improve on while you sleep is increasing your self confidence, improving your relationships, learning to love yourself, boost your business career, and much more.

Overall, what you should do in order to reprogram the subconscious is replace old limiting beliefs as well as bad habits with new positive ones. It has been shown that our subconscious mind is programmed between the ages of one to seven years old.

Meaning that many of us store unhelpful negative beliefs and bad habits since a very young age. During those ages, our beliefs depend heavily on our parents, the way our household is set up, and those who surround us.

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As we grow older, we discover more and more of who we are in various ways to become a better person and accomplish our goals. It is harder to move forward when we have strings still attached from the past that should be broken loose by now since we are in a different age, mindset and lifestyle.

Now that we know how important it is to reprogram the subconscious mind, one effective way to accomplish it while we sleep is with self talk by using affirmations.

Before you got to sleep at night come up with several positive and strong affirmations that are related to the issue you want to work on or change in your life.

Affirmations are more powerful if we state them in the present as if they were already true. Donโ€™t use affirmations in the future tense as if it is about to happen or should happen.

For instance, if your goal is to gain muscles and in the present day your body is non muscular, a strong and positive affirmation such as โ€œI AM healthy and strong, I have large muscles all over my body and I like the way I look and feelโ€, is a powerful affirmation to state.

Overall, when you hear yourself every night before you go to bed speaking with positive and strong affirmations, you are more likely to dream with ways to achieve your goal and this is one way our our subconscious mind speaks to us.

It has been proven by San Diego University that reprogramming the subconscious mind while we sleep is more powerful when we sleep than hypnosis. Many military recruits apply this technique to help them train.

A very powerful technique is to say your affirmations right when you are about to go to sleep. Your eyes may be starting to close and you are drowsy. Right before you go to sleep you are in the theta state of mind and suggestions and affirmations easily enter the subconscious mind in this state.

Now imagine what we can accomplish if we were to apply it every night before bed!

A secondary way to reprogram the subconscious mind while we sleep is to hear positive and inspirational audios. You can use pre-recorded audios with affirmations or you can create your own. Say your affirmations into a recording device and then auto-play them all night.

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Besides affirmations, you can also record and narrate a specific scene you want to happen and listen to that while you sleep. You could do this while you sleep or before you sleep since your subconscious mind is awake and recording everything.

Since the subconscious mind is always working, listening to audios while we sleep is no different then listening to them while we are awake. Although many may think that they may not remember or listen, the subconscious mind has already learned and listened even if you are aware of it or not.

The next day you will feel more energized, positive and open yet filled with tons of ideas all of a sudden. That is proof that your subconscious mind did adsorb the audio information while you rested.

The subconscious mind controls about 90 to 95 percent of our behavior. This proves to us that our subconscious mind plays a huge role in who we are today and how we present ourselves to the world.

The sooner you realize that the mind is just as important as our physical body, the sooner you can take control of your own life and not let life control you.

If youโ€™re serious about wanting to start effortlessly manifesting unlimited wealth, vibrant health and your dream relationship, make sure to check out this exciting resource that Supercharges your Visualization right now โ€” Click Here Now To Manifest all your desires and create your reality!

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