
Good Night’s Sleep

Details• Tired of disturbed sleep?• Get to sleep but then wake up?• I can't sleep as my mind won't switch off when I get into bed• Feel so tired that you think you will sleep tonight, but you don't?• Difficult to sleep before a big day at work or the night before an early start?• Lost the ability…

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• Tired of disturbed sleep?
• Get to sleep but then wake up?
• I can’t sleep as my mind won’t switch off when I get into bed
• Feel so tired that you think you will sleep tonight, but you don’t?
• Difficult to sleep before a big day at work or the night before an early start?
• Lost the ability to think clearly due to lack of sleep?
• Becoming a parent started your sleep problems?
• Using sleeping tablets or sleeping pills to sleep

Take the sleep challenge
Hypnotherapist Ailsa Frank challenges you to a Good Night’s Sleep with her hypnosis download, or she will give you your money back. You can lie back and listen to her soothing voice as your stresses dissolve into a distant memory, while you drift into a blissful deep sleep.

“I had suffered from Insomnia for 30 years which left me feeling dizzy, some nights having as little as one hour or even no sleep at all. Every day I was stressed by the thought that ‘I need to get to sleep tonight’. I was convinced my problem was just a bad habit but one I could never break. That is when I thought perhaps hypnotherapy could help break the habit. The Good Night’s sleep hypnosis download worked immediately, it was miraculous. The first night I thought ‘This won’t work’ but the next thing I knew it was morning. It has literally changed my life, I have my life back. Thank you.”  Chris, Australia

One sleep track to listen to at bedtime. Just put your phone on flight mode, so you are not interrupted, but your alarm will still ring, and your phone will switch off once the Good Night’s Sleep hypnosis download finishes.

I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on this hypnosis download. I suggest you put the volume down low and let the messages wash over you.

How does the ‘Good Night’s Sleep’ hypnosis download work?
Over time you have created your current sleeping patterns. The messages in this recording will allow you to reset your sleep patterns on a subconscious level, so you naturally drift off to sleep at bedtime. The recording will release stress from your mind and help you to be more alert and focused during your waking day. You will only make safe changes which you are ready for at a pace that is right for you. You probably won’t hear the end of the recording as the words will almost instantly relax your body and mind, meaning the next thing you know it is morning and you’ve had a blissful sleep. Listen regularly to retrain your mind to get into a positive way of sleeping well.

Press play as you fall asleep into a healthy deep sleep.

Sleep is one of the most important things in life as how you sleep affects how you feel during your waking day. Your body and mind do certain processes while you sleep which affects your physical and mental wellbeing. Over the years I have worked as a therapist, so many of my clients have had some sort of sleep issue. When my clients sleeping improves they feel like a new person able to cope with the rest of their lives. I have developed this sleep recording to help you take back control of your sleep which will set you up to create a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. Hypnotherapy is all about breaking bad habits and creating good ones meaning it is the perfect tool to reset your sleep program in your mind.

Best wishes

One Track – 18 minutes

Begin to make changes by pressing the play button.

Also recommended:
‘Stop Worrying’, ‘Switch Off from Work’, ‘Take Control of Alcohol’

Try reading my book ‘Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing’ which has chapters on dealing with every area of your life. It includes simple techniques to help you manage worries, anxiety, and depression.

Available as a paperback published by Hay House click here (or an e-book or Audible).

• How can I fall asleep right now?
• Is drinking alcohol disturbing your sleep?
• Making excuses for hardly sleeping?
• Why can’t I sleep properly?
• How can I get rid of insomnia fast?
• Do I have dementia or is it lack of sleep?
• Suffering from insomnia or sleep apnea?

10 Facts about insomnia and sleep problems

30% of people will suffer short-term insomnia at least once in their life

10% of people suffer from chronic insomnia

Persistent insomnia affects both the quality and quantity of sleep

During your lifetime your need for sleep changes depending on your age and circumstances

Sleep is a fundamental and essential factor in life which affects your long-term health

A lack of sleep can cause detrimental symptoms including memory problems, inability to process thoughts, can contribute to obesity or other health issues such as cardiovascular disease, causes physical stress and psychological issues.

Quality sleep regulates brain functions and improves performance

Your body and brain need to sleep to function properly

There is an overuse of prescribed medication for sleep problems

There is either an underlying cause of disturbed sleep either psychological, physical or an external factor triggering a sleep issue

Backing track on the recording is by Danny De Matos www.shushstudios.com

Testimonials – Good Night’s Sleep hypnosis download

How can I solve my sleeping problems?

“My sleep problem began when I had my first child as I would listen for the babies breathing and later I was on edge that the children would need me in the night. I felt totally exhausted doing the school run as I had been awake half the night worrying, then the alarm would go off at 6 am just as I felt I could get to sleep. A friend recommended hypnotherapy to me. Since listening to the sleep hypnosis download, I have changed my bedtime time routine, and the hypnotherapy recording sends me straight off to sleep. I am more relaxed now and bounce out of bed.” Emma, UK

“The first night I listened to the sleep hypnosis download my husband was next to me on his phone. He heard the part where it says switch off technology such as phones, to my surprise he immediately put down his phone and closed his eyes. Having not slept myself, for weeks I fell asleep without hearing the end of the recording. We both had a good sleep that night. Since then the hypnotherapy recording is part of my bedtime routine. I am interested in trying other titles as the sleep hypnotherapy one has really worked.” Mercedes, New York

“I don’t need to drink alcohol to get me off to sleep anymore.” Kate, London

“I listen to the sleep hypnosis recording regularly. It is a relief as now I know I can sleep when I need to be in top form for work.” Cam, USA

“I wondered how I can sleep through the night. Then I found the sleep hypnosis download which has helped me to sleep through the night.” Becky, Hampshire

“My menopause symptoms no longer keep me awake in the night since listening to the hypnotherapy download.” June, London

“I listened to the sleep hypnosis download and almost instantly fell asleep within a few minutes. I tried to resist falling asleep to see if I could stay awake to test it but I couldn’t. Since then I go to bed at exactly the same time every night and I wake at the exact moment before the alarm goes off. I have never slept so well in my life. Feel so rested and sleeping like a baby.”  Wayne, Surrey


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More Info

Losing sleep can feel like a small matter at first, but over time it can become frustrating and debilitating. Do you spend time thinking, tonight might be the night that you sleep? Do you hear yourself say ‘I am so tired I must be able to sleep tonight’, but you don’t sleep when you get into bed? Do you wonder if you have dementia or is your poor memory due to a lack of sleep?

Insomnia can be triggered by a change in events in your life such as:

When children arrive

Worry over a sick or elderly relative

A heartbreak or loss

A career change

Money stresses

Stress at work

Difficulties at home

Relationship issues or marriage problems

Health changes (e.g. menopause, pregnancy, time of the month, headaches, pain, M.E. / chronic fatigue, cancer)

How can you fall asleep faster?

If you don’t find a way to break the cycle of bad sleep patterns, it can become a lifelong issue. Luckily hypnotherapy is the perfect tool to reset your sleep patterns which are already embedded in you naturally but may have been disrupted for some reason. Hypnotherapy is also useful to deal with the upset in someone’s life which may be causing the sleep problems such as a breakup, fear of redundancy, exam stress, family argument, alcohol problem or a confidence issue, for example, the worry over doing a work presentation.

When looking to resolve a sleep problem try to look for the external factors and underlying issues which may be causing pressure in life contributing to you sleeping less well.

“Before listening to the hypnosis download, I use to get to sleep fine but wake in the night meaning I only had 3-4 hours per night. I kept my sleep problem a secret, but it turned out other people I knew couldn’t sleep too. My main symptom of not sleeping was losing the power to think and concentrate which made me more irritable and stressed as it was difficult to remember things. I constantly felt that yucky feeling of not feeling refreshed as if I had been on a night flight half awake through my bedtime as if I had constant jetlag. The recording has changed all of this as I really feel the impact of the relaxation and I fall asleep before the end of the track. I feel like I will hear it all tonight but then I am out like a light. As it says on the recording, sleep accounts for a third of your life, so it is important to get it right.” Keith, Lancashire

Side effects of not enough sleep:

Struggling to focus at work

Suffering exhaustion

Health symptoms are worsened (e.g. menopause, blood pressure, psoriasis, headaches)

Tend to worry more

Irritable and short-tempered

Cope less easily with each day

Get fewer things done

Eat the wrong foods or drink more alcohol to try to get to sleep.


Things to avoid:

Drinking too much tea, coffee, caffeine drinks or nicotine 3 hours before bed

Going to bed too late or too early

Sleeping on an uncomfortable bed or mattress

Screen time before bed


How to get to sleep tips:

Exercise during the day or early evening but not before bed

Eat healthy fresh foods starting with the bigger meals earlier in the day and light meals in the evening

Drink camomile tea a couple of hours before bed

Write down what needs to be done tomorrow

Create a quiet time before you enter the bedroom at bedtime

Have a warm lavender bath

Turn the light off soon after entering the bedroom

Remove all technology from the bedroom (TV, computers, phones, tablets)

Put your phone on flight mode so you are not disturbed by messages (your alarm will still ring)

Create a soothing and peaceful environment by listening to calming music or a hypnosis download as you go to sleep

Make the bedroom a ‘sleep only zone’

Read a paperback book in bed

Use blackout blinds on the windows

Invest in a good pillow and a comfortable mattress

Use earplugs if there is noise outside or from a snoring spouse

Get yourself financially secure as a lot of bedtime worry is over money

Change your lifestyle to support good sleep for example deal with problems at work and in your home life so you can relax at bedtime.

Try the ‘Good Night’s Sleep’ hypnotherapy download for a deep sleep through the night.

If you are interested in appointments or have a question please fill in the form or call 01276 683123. Alternatively, visit the shop to buy hypnosis downloads.

Can I download the recordings to an Android phone such as Samsung or a tablet?

Yes, click on the download link next to each track on the order email. This will save the mp3 download directly to your android phone or tablet.

Can I download the recordings to my iPhone or iPad?

You can save the download tracks to your computer and then drag the recordings to your itunes OR if this is too complicated for you we can arrange for your recordings to be put into a free app called Dropbox. It is much easier than you think. After purchase simply follow the instructions provided. Our customer care team will be happy to help.

Can I put the download recordings on more than one device such as my Samsung phone and my iPad?

Just purchase the titles you want then save them on to as many devices as required by following the instructions for each device. Instructions will arrive with your order. For further help contact our customer care team.

How will I receive the download?

Your order will be sent to the email address which you provide at the time of ordering.

I didn’t receive my download?

The reasons for not receiving the downloads is due to you filling in your email address incorrectly OR your downloads were emailed to you but it went into your spam/junk folder. Or there was a delay in the payment system which blocked your order being sent via email.

Simply contact our support team through the contact page so they can arrange for your order to be re-sent to you.

I lost the download.

No problems send us your order details or your full name so we can resend you the tracks. It is common for people to lose their downloads when their computer crashes or they lose their phone.

The download doesn’t play all the way through; it stops after a few minutes?

If your download stops it is because you have an iPhone or iPad and you are playing the recording from the order email. Apple have restrictions so to get around this you need to first save each track to your computer before playing them and then drag the recordings to your iTunes OR if this is too complicated for you we can arrange for your recordings to be put into a free app called Dropbox. It is much easier than you think. After purchase simply follow the instructions provided on your order email. Our customer care team will be happy to help.

What is the difference between the ‘Take Control of Alcohol’ and ‘Stop Binge Drinking’ recordings?

Take Control of Alcohol is to break the habit of everyday or regular drinking.

Stop Binge Drinking is for people who don’t drink very regularly but when they do have a drink they drink huge volumes finding it difficult to stop.

Start with the recording which describes your drinking best.

Some people buy both recordings to cover all types of drinking as they associate with the two titles.

How long do I need to listen to the recordings?

Try to listen to the recordings everyday for 3 weeks. You can alternate the tracks on different days. After this listen a few times per week until you make all the changes you want to make. You can listen again later for a top up at anytime in the future or for relaxation. Repetition of listening is important.

How soon will I see results?

Some people begin to see changes within a day or a few days whilst other people see results within a few weeks. You may begin to notice you sleep better, you are more relaxed, your habits are changing and you are thinking less about the problems. Gradually you will make different choices as the new habits establish and you will begin to feel better in yourself.

When should I listen to the recordings?

Most people listen at bedtime. You can put the volume down low, let the messages wash over you and just fall asleep. Other people like to do a short track in the morning or after work on the sofa. As long as you are in a safe place find the time which suits you best.

How is it best to listen to the hypnotherapy recordings?

Turn the volume down low and let the messages wash over you. You don’t need to hear all the words or keep up with the information or analyse the content instead just lay back and relax. The words will filter into your subconscious mind for you to make safe changes which you are ready for. Listen daily or regularly for 3 weeks or until you have made all the changes you want to make. Most people rest on the bed or on a sofa.

Can I listen to more than one recording title at the same time?

You can listen to more than one title but it is usually best to focus on one and then gradually introduce another title. Once you have listened to each topic for a focussed period of time you can then dip in and out of any of the recordings to keep yourself relaxed and on top of things.

What is the difference between the hypnotherapy recordings and having a one to one hypnotherapy session?

The recordings are very cost effective. They are designed to cover as much as possible and they are complete programmes. But a one to one phone appointment will deal with more specific issues related to you personally. One to one sessions are more expensive but get directly to the root of the problems although tens of thousands of people have successfully made all the changes they want by listening to the recordings. There is no right or wrong but instead do what suits you and your budget best.

– Some people make all the changes with the recordings.
– Some people start with the recordings and then have sessions later to tackle specific problems.
– Some people only have one to one phone sessions because they want to sort out a combination of issues specific to them.
– Some people start with one to one phone sessions and then go on to use the recordings later for relaxation to keep balanced.
– Ailsa’s goal is to provide affordable solutions to help everyone improve their lives.

Does hypnotherapy work for everyone?

Most people are sceptical as to whether the hypnotherapy will work for them. Many people desperately need it to help them so they can be scared that it might not. People are generally surprised at how effective and enjoyable the hypnotherapy is. It is rare for hypnotherapy not to work. Ailsa Frank gives a 90 day money back guarantee on recordings to give you the confidence to give the hypnosis downloads a try.

Do I need to buy the book Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing?

The book Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing is a great tool to assist you in your life generally but is separate to the hypnosis downloads and recordings. The book is based on the work which Ailsa Frank does with clients. It is easy to read with chapter summaries, enjoyable techniques and her great guidance to help you improve your life. It is written in a way which moves your mind on from problems as you read it. The beginning chapters cover getting into the ‘Amazing Zone’, letting go of worries/stresses, making new choices and being motivated. Then following chapters go on to cover all life issues such as money, relationships, parenting, health, heartaches and loss. Following the success since being published in the UK in 2015 it is now being published in foreign languages around the world.

How does the money back guarantee work?

If you are not happy with a recording for any reason we will give you a refund. Just contact us through the website contact page providing your name and order details, ask for a refund. We pride ourselves on customer care to help you have peace of mind. We have sold tens of thousands of recordings but are only asked for refunds very occasionally.

There is no CD option on some of the recordings in the web shop?

Due to the increase in demand for downloads we don’t always produce every title in a CD form. However we are happy to burn a CD for you and pop it in the post. Just place the order as a download then contact our customer care by replying to the order email and request for a CD version to be posted OR Our customer care team will help you make sure you can get the download on to your phone. Many people think they need a CD but after contacting our customer care team they are helped to successfully get a download on their phone or computer.

Should I buy a download or a CD, what is the difference?

A download is a file of the recording which will be emailed to you after you order it. You will receive this almost instantly after purchasing. You can save the file then listen to the recording from your computer or phone. A CD is the same recording but in a CD form which will be posted first class daily from our shipping depot. You should receive this within a few days in the UK or outside the UK it can take up to several weeks depending on the country of destination. All CD’s are posted free worldwide. If you want help with a download please let us know.

I am not sure if my order went through or did I order twice by mistake?

You should receive an order confirmation. If you order twice by mistake a refund will automatically be sent to you within 48hours. If you are unsure about an order use the contact form to ask any questions.

I have a question not cover in FAQ?

Use the contact form on the website to ask any specific question or call during UK working hours 9am to 5.30pm.

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