
How To Listen to Hypnosis, Subliminal, Supraliminal, Brainwave Entrainment, Affirmations,

General Guidelines Keep in mind: Click on the arrows beside titles to see directions for different kinds of recordings. Choose titles that match your beliefs, desires, inspirations and expectations. You will tend to experience the fastest outcomes when working with problems you believe to be possible for you to accomplish, you are inspired to accomplish,…

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General Guidelines

Keep in mind: Click on the arrows beside titles to see directions for different kinds of recordings.

Choose titles that match your beliefs, desires, inspirations and expectations. You will tend to experience the fastest outcomes when working with problems you believe to be possible for you to accomplish, you are inspired to accomplish, and you expect to accomplish.

The regularly you listen to recordings, the more you saturate your mind with positive ideas, the faster results you will get.

For finest and fastest outcomes listen to hypnosis recordings once or twice a day and to other kinds of recordings with affirmations throughout the day or while you’re sleeping.

Listen to recordings UP UNTIL you get wanted results. Depending upon the objectives you want to achieve and obstacles you are dealing with, you might experience immediate outcomes or it might take you days or weeks or longer to get the results you want.


Deep Hypnotic Trance Now Hypnosis CDs and mp3s are readily available in 3 variations:

  • Hypnosis
  • Hypnosis with ingrained subliminal track
  • Hypnosis with embedded supraliminal track

On each of those variations, you consciously hear only the hypnosis track. Suggestions on subliminal and supraliminal tracks are created to by-pass your mindful awareness and end up being satisfied directly upon your subconscious mind, so you will not hear them purposely.

The very best time to listen to hypnosis recordings is prior to you go to sleep or at such times throughout the day when you are naturally more unwinded physically, yet mentally still alert adequate to follow the assistance on the recording.

If you are listening to recordings for insomnia, deep relaxation, stress, lucid or prophetic dreaming, and those for healing, do not hesitate to wander off to sleep.

If you are listening to hypnosis recordings that contain NLP methods for modification, you’ll get better outcomes if you actively get involved.

If you tend to drop off to sleep while listening to hypnosis recordings, you might select to listen to them at a time when you are more mentally alert, and sitting up on a chair, sofa or recliner chair rather of laying down in bed.

A part of your mind is constantly listening, so you will be configuring your subconscious mind even if you drift off to sleep.


Deep Hypnotic Trance Now Subliminal CDs and mp3s are readily available in 3 variations:

  • Subliminal with audible introduction (Hybrid)
  • Daytime Silent Subliminal
  • Night-time Silent Subliminal Sleep Shows

Subliminal CDs and mp3s contain tips put listed below the limit of hearing, somewhere around minus 25 – 40 dB.

Subliminals with audible introduction (Hybrid subliminals) contain recommendations put when in an audible format at the beginning of the recording, and after that the suggestions are masked with music.

Daytime and Night-time Silent Subliminals have all subliminal tips masked by music or nature noises.

You can listen to Hybrid and Daytime Silent Subliminal recording at any time throughout the day. The more frequently you listen to them, the faster results you get.

Night-time Silent Subliminals also consist of tips for deep and restful sleep along with brainwave entrainment for deep sleep. Listen to these recordings just when you are relaxing, watching TELEVISION, wandering off to sleep or while you’re sleeping.


Deep Hypnotic Trance Now Supraliminal CDs and mp3s are offered in 3 variations:

  • Supraliminal with audible introduction (Hybrid)
  • Daytime Silent Supraliminal
  • Night-time Silent Supraliminal Sleep Programming

Supraliminal CDs and mp3s consist of both subliminal and supraliminal tracks. Supraliminal track includes ideas put at a high frequency of 15.5 kHz.

Supraliminals with audible introduction (Hybrid supraliminals) include tips positioned once in an audible format at the start of the recording, and then the recommendations are masked with music.

Daytime and Night-time Silent Supraliminals have all recommendations masked by music or nature noises.

You can listen to Hybrid and Daytime Silent Supraliminal taping at any time throughout the day. The more often you listen to them, the faster results you get.

Night-time Silent Supraliminals also contain tips for deep and restful sleep as well as brainwave entrainment for deep sleep. Listen to these recordings just when you are unwinding, seeing TV, drifting off to sleep or while you’re sleeping.

Supraliminal Plus

Deep Trance Now Supraliminal Plus CDs and mp3s include 3 tracks: 1 supraliminal track and 2 knowingly audible tracks with similar tips provided at various periods to your left and ideal ear.

You need to utilize earphones or stereo speakers when listening to Supraliminal Plus recordings.

The suggestions on a track to which you are not consciously paying attention has a subliminal effect, by-passing your conscious awareness and becoming impressed straight upon your subconscious mind.

Listen to Supraliminal Plus recordings a minimum of once or twice a day. The more frequently you listen to them, the faster results will you get.


Deep Hypnotic Trance Now Affirmations CDs and mp3s are available in 3 variations:

  • Affirmations
  • Affirmations with ingrained subliminal track
  • Affirmations with embedded supraliminal track

On each of those variations, you consciously hear just the affirmations track. Ideas on subliminal and supraliminal tracks are developed to by-pass your mindful awareness and end up being satisfied directly upon your subconscious mind, so you will not hear them knowingly.

Affirmations with ingrained supraliminal track consist of both supraliminal and subliminal tracks, engaging both your mindful and subconscious mind.

You can listen to Affirmations CDs and mp3s at any time during the day, even while you’re sleeping, as long as you are getting sufficient sleep.

Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment CDs and mp3s do not consist of any tips.

Brainwave entrainment recordings contain brainwave beats or isochronic noises, created to synchronize left and right hemispheres of your brain and put you into a perfect state of mind for your picked activity.

Some Brainwave Entrainment CDs and mp3s have different brainwave patterns directed to your left and right hemisphere and you need to utilize stereo headphones when listening to them.

Some Brainwave Entrainment CDs and mp3s contain technology which does not need you to utilize stereo headphones.

The best time to listen to Brainwave Entrainment recordings is prior to you desire to get into an optimal frame of mind for your chosen activity and during the activity.

Sanskrit Mantras

Sanskrit Mantras CDs and mp3s consist of words of power developed to integrate your energy with the pattern of energy you desire to experience in your life.

You can just listen to mantras or chant along.

For finest outcomes I advise that you chant mantras with feeling, with love and devotion, along with focus upon and expectation of your preferred result.

You can shout mantras 108 times a day for 40 days, or throughout the day for 40 days or longer.

To experience mantra siddhi (complete power of the mantra) you might want to chant it 125,000, 250,000 or perhaps 500,000 times.

When you attain mantra siddhi, it suffices to say mantra when to experience desired outcome.

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